RATINGS: 188   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.57/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
The 2007 Trader Joes Vintage Ale is a brown Belgian-style ale of great distinction produced by traditional top fermentation methods resulting in a rich and full-bodied flavor. The Champagne like effervescence and smooth mouth feel are the result of a natural secondary fermentation the bottle obtained by the use of a carefully selected yeast culture. This vintage ale is characterised by a deep amber color topped by a rich head of foam. The prominent flavor of premium malts is perfectly balanced by a combination of three European hops and four distinctive spices. True to its Abbey Dubbel style, this years vintage ale offers a highly distinctive flavor enhanced by the fruity and floral notes of the yeast. The result is a complex and warming ale that offers both strength and subtlety. Brewed once a year in limited quantity, please enjoy Trader Joes 2007 Vintage Ale. This will age exceptionally over time, developing more complex flavor as the years go by. Exclusively bottled for Trader Joes. Best Before 10-28-2010.

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hopdog (19493) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 24, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2021 750mol bottle. Part of a 11 year vertical. Poured a deep brown color with a smaller sized tan head. Yeast, dark fruits, and drinkable still.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - APR 23, 2021
UPDATED: APR 23, 2021 This is a backlog rating from 2008 from a bottle shared by Tmoney99, from notes. When I had this beer it was average to below average for the style and not something I wanted to have again or I just didn't get back to my notes because of my technology at the time, work and/or family. Words to describe this beer are sweet malts, caramel, dark fruits, brown sugar, yeast, these are usually pretty good but unspectacular beers.

BVery (13633) - Plymouth, Minnesota, USA - APR 1, 2019
UPDATED: APR 1, 2019 Bottle shared by John at Yaniv's tasting. Malty, smooth, dark, sweet, yeasty. Still pretty decent after 12 years.

deyholla (18611) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - MAR 31, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 31, 2019 Bottle shared by John, thanks! Pours a clear brownish yellow with a white head that dissipates to the edges. Aroma has Belgian yeast and some bubblegum with sweet grains, bread, flora and a hint of light fruits underlying. Flavor has tart fruits, a hint of licorice, flora, Belgian yeast and a bit of sweet grains underlying.

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - DEC 27, 2017
Sample at Craft Beer OGs 01 on 11/11/2017. Slightly hazy copper-brown color with a medium light beige head that diminishes steadily to an outer ring. Partial rings of lacing. Aroma of fruit, yeast, malt and spice. Medium to full body with flavors of peppery yeast, fruit, clove and caramel malt. The finish is spiced fruit and yeast. Pretty good overall.

douglas88 (12184) - Portland, Oregon, USA - FEB 27, 2015
750 thanks to Keir. Pours a hazy reddish color with a medium to small white head. Still, lots of carb. A big fruity, oxidized and toffee nose. The flavor is cherries, chocolate, raisin, pretty heavy oxidation/cardboard, plum. Very mellow and soft. Quite tasty.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 15, 2014
"definitely has a champagne like mouthfeel too it. all the spiciness and malty aroma you’d expect, with tight carbonation, and a drier than expected finish. recommended."

skoisirius (1908) - Earth, Washington, USA - FEB 14, 2014
750ml bottle. Not sure why this gets different years for each vintage as I don’t believe the brew changes from year to year. That said, I’m copying and pasting this to each vintage I’ve had due to this factor. Beyond that, every year this comes out it’s worth picking up a bottle. It’s a great dark fruited and spiced out Belgian style, something like a dubbel, yet stronger. Can’t beat it for the price!

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - DEC 26, 2012
750mL bottle, pours a hazy dark amber with a medium off-white head. Aroma is quite subtle, some bubblegum and Belgian candied sugar. Flavour is fruitier than the 2006, with dark fruits upfront, some brown sugar, caramel, and more dark fruits. Lower carbonation for Unibroue, with the fruitier tones upfront and very complex. This has a stronger flavour profile than the 2006, and like the 2006, this has not suffered at all from age. Excellent stuff.

seymour (2587) - Maplewood, Missouri, USA - OCT 15, 2012
Tasted from corked 750ml brown bottle into nonic pint glass, thanks Vyvvy for sharing and for cellaring it so carefully! It poured a hazy copper color with persistent off-white foam, tiny bottle-conditioning bubbles and lots of excellent Belgian lace. Aromas of perfumey alcohol, malt, caramelized brown sugar, toffee, plums, raisins, complex peppery yeast phenols, faint banana and clove. Taste: malt-forward, caramelly and fruity, balanced by a subdued tangy hops flavor, very smooth yet tart, notes of brown bread and brandy-soaked fruitcake, great Belgian yeast notes again. some good residual candy sweetness, definite signs of age, beneficial oxidation, but no soy sauce or vinegar notes at all. Spritzy, high carbonation, light body, rounded well-concealed 9% alcohol, lasting multi-layered aftertaste. Absolutely delicious.

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