RATINGS: 96   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.86/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 123   ABV: 4.1%
Our single hop exploration of low alcohol beers continues in Monson with the fresh crop of 2013 Citra! This one explodes with notes of citrus on the nose and the palate, and finishes cleanly with light bits of cracker malt. Someone forgot to tell it that it’s only 4.1% alcohol. Dangerous. . .!

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Wendigo (4211) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - MAY 21, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 21, 2021 Can. Hoppy aroma and taste, citrus fruit, medium bitter. Medium body, hoppy fruity bitter finish. Good.

vcsa (341) - - NOV 27, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 28, 2019 Appearance: Pours opaque pale yellow with a creamy white head, with lacing. 外观:浅黄色,浑浊。细腻的白色泡沫,有挂杯。 5/5 Aroma: Sweet malt, orange, lemon, mango, straw and grass, with hoppy notes. 气味:甜麦芽、香橙、柠檬、芒果、稻草和青草,伴随着酒花香气。 7/10 Taste: Malty citric and hoppy with some wheat, refreshing sourness with moderate sweetness and bitterness, with sour wheat, citric and hoppy finish. 味道:麦芽、柠檬和酒花,伴随着一些小麦,清新的酸度伴随着柔和的甜度和苦度,尾韵呈现酸 Light to medium bodied, moderate carbonated. 口感:酒体较轻,杀口感适中。 4/5 Overall Pleasant, easy drinking and well balanced. 令人愉悦,易饮而平衡。 15/20

pdog555 (1419) - Connecticut, USA - OCT 11, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 11, 2019 Pours hazy yellow with a thin white head. Aroma of tropical hops and dry malt, watery. Taste has intense tropical notes, juicy and hazy. Palate has watery malt, mild hop elements, citra. Great.

stevoj (12142) - Boise, Idaho, USA - SEP 8, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2019 16 oz can from Jeremy. Milky pale yellow, fine head. Light citrus, milky notes. Taste is lemon peel, grapefruit. Very light on the palate

BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - SEP 8, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2019 16oz can pours out pale hazy straw topped with a white head. Nose is nice crisp hops citrus and some nice malts. Taste is more of the nice sweet malts crisp citrus hops, very nice.

jrob21 (5064) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - MAY 31, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 31, 2019 Single from rich while building the dome. Crisp with some melon hoppiness and a bitter herbal finish. A hooked up blonde ale. I can dig it.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - MAY 19, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2019 Can sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Cloudy pale yellow. Fruity hops, citric, tropical, oniony, slightly sweetish at first, dry green bitterness.

tfontana (3801) - Fremont, New Hampshire, USA - MAY 17, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 17, 2019 Can pour into nonic pint glass from the brewery. Appearance is deeply hazy yellow with nice sparkle, finger-plus width fizzy white head with fair retention and trace lacing. Aroma is strong tropical fruits and citrus (can smell from over a foot away). Taste is strong citrus along with tropical fruit and late hint of herb. Palate is light bodied with thin, frothy texture, soft carbonation and crisp, very dry finish with mild citrus sweet but dominant moderate bitterness. Overall, a lot of aroma and flavor packed in here. Typical Tree House hoppy citrus and tropical fruit, which is always good, but not typical for the style. Palate's a bit thin, but consistent with low alcohol.

zvsn (6723) - ISRAEL - MAY 16, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 16, 2019 Can at a tasting. Cloudy pale yellow. Fruity hops, mango and onion aromas. Sweetish, citrus, juicy, grassy, grapefruit, mild bitterness. Medium-bodied, smooth. Good.

tomer (5509) - Rishon Le Zion, ISRAEL - MAY 13, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 13, 2019 At a tasting, small stable bubbly head, cloudy pale orange color, pomelo and onion aroma, a bit dunky, same traits in flavor with a flowery hint and a medium grapefruit bitterness. Nice and drinkable.

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