RATINGS: 423   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.85/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 237   ABV: 7.9%
Imperial Rye Porter aged in Rye Whiskey Barrels. Statement of Composition: 40% Malt Beverage aged in Rye Whiskey Barrels. 60% Malt Beverage. Dirty Old Man: "Gimme a sponge bath."

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Sarlacc83 (2662) - Portland, Oregon, USA - JUN 3, 2018
Bottle thanks to TODD!. Thanks! A: Pure black with a mocha head. Light lacing. N: Rye, minerals, peppercorn, cocoa, vanilla, rye whiskey, oak, some caramel, and coconut. Ash, roast, and burnt biscuit. T: Sweet, mineral, and spicy. Lightly bitter. Lots of rye profile here and I'm fairly well digging it. M: Medium body, creamy carbonation, no alcohol. O: Easy drinking Impy porter. Spicy and gone in a moment's notice.

BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - MAR 11, 2018
Bottle thanks to Toby. Pours out black topped with a tan head. Nose is light coffee big rye grain whiskey barrel notes and spice. Taste is more of the nice roast malts coffee chocolate whiskey barrel oak notes and a spice rye note.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - OCT 13, 2017
Bottle. pours opaque black with a small creamy tan head that dissipates slowly with good lacing. Aroma is not overly pleasant, woody and roasty, molasses and char. Flavor is light plus sweet and light plus bitter. Not well integrated, raw. Medium body, soft mouthfeel. This was a pretty big disappointment given the ratings and my general appreciation of Rye BA beers.

italianjohn (4764) - Penndel, Pennsylvania, USA - MAY 2, 2017
Black pour with a small off white/beige head and very light lacing ..... Aroma is light and of roasted and chocolate malts, berry, wood, earth and whiskey .... Flavor is sweet and bitter with earthy notes, some whiskey and dry oak, some berry, roasted and chocolate malts ... Body is medium, texture is oily and on the soft side ..... a bit average for this brewery but still very tasty

cobaink2 (1438) - seattle, Washington, USA - JAN 12, 2017
12 oz bottle.zero head when poured. Blast of roasted malts and vanilla and rye bread. Not bad but could use a bit more body:

muzzlehatch (4975) - Beloit, Wisconsin, USA - AUG 30, 2016
Un-Muzzling Olde Muzzlehatch Ratings, #59. On draught (I believe) at the late lamented Blue Nile in Minneapolis, August 2008. Dark but not quite black body with a lasting thin cap of light tan foam...spicy and very roasty "dark" nose, rye and a bit of vanilla and definitely a touch of booziness...very sweet on the tongue, one of the sweetest porters I’ve had actually, very rich and even "thick", roasty certainly but the sweetness and the light lactic sourness are what I remember. Uneven I guess but I do remember liking it quite a bit. Side note apropos of nothing: a terrific restaurant as I remember; I’ve been to three Ethiopian restaurants in my life, in three different cities (Minneapolis, Chicago, New York), and all of them have since closed. Coincidence, or do the Gods of African cuisine hate me? Sad.

asceticbrewer (69) - Arizona, USA - MAR 17, 2015
12oz to tulip. Pours black, with a thin coffee colored head. Aroma is dry, oak barrels, chocolate, and roasted grains. Taste is chocolate, whiskey, oak barrels, and rye spiciness. Thanks Tom!

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - AUG 23, 2014
Thank you Matt for bringing this to me. This was poured into a pint glass. The appearance was a dark brown color with a one finger white foamy head that dissipated within a minute. There was some light torturing stringy lacing roaming around the glass. The smell had a boozy sort of tight knit chocolate and a slightly bready sort of crustiness. The taste was mainly the chocolate first with a strong sweet roastiness invading my taste buds. On the palate, this one sat right about a medium on the body with a pretty good thick chewy roastiness invading my tongue and mouth. Overall, so glad to have finally tried a Tyranena beer, its about time (hot damn). Would I have this again? Oh yeah, sure would.

TXBadger (2811) - Dallas, Texas, USA - JUN 26, 2014
Pours nice black with tan head. Whiskey, wood, coffee, and some roasted malt notes on the nose; follows onto the palate. Finishes with a nice whiskey note.

BMMillsy (1788) - Florida, USA - MAY 24, 2014
Bottle as an extra from Homer321. Big thanks! Pours pitch black with essentially no head at all. Dense as can be. Aroma of big roast, smoke, oak, rye whiskey, spicy grain, chocolate, anise. Very nice. The flavor is very chocolatey roast, spicy rye, whiskey and oak barrel notes, sweet lingering milk chocolate on the palate. Medium plus bodied with light pleasant carbonation. An interesting brew that was not on my radar but am very happy to have the chance to try. A nice way to cap off the night.

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