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RATINGS: 2828   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.94/5   IBU: 16   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Strong Belgian type ale similar to a Port wine! Is as dark as can be, mellow in taste with an aroma of ripe fruits. It can be compared to an old porto and is brewed from well roasted malt.

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young's rating

   AROMA 8/10   APPEARANCE 4/5   TASTE 8/10   PALATE 4/5   OVERALL 16/20
young (45) - Georgia, USA - DEC 11, 2000
Alcohol warming, sweet, lingering (not unpleasent) sweet aftertaste. A pretty damned good brew.

charlotte (7594) - rødovre, DENMARK - JAN 3, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 3, 2022 Bottle.Almost black colour with head whi stays.Aroma of caramel and roasted malt,strong but good hidden alc,nit ti boozy and nice easy to drik with hidden dry fruit flavors nice by style.

DraftDodger (5615) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - DEC 23, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2021 Copenhagen 23/12 2021. 3,41 cl bottle from Meny, Borups Allé, Frb. F. Old church-like building with three towers on the label. Pours murky, dark brown with a mid-sized off-white head. Stable. Settles as thin layer of foam struggling to cover the surface of the beer. Moderate lacing. Aroma is fairly intense with a dark, sweet malty odor mingling with a boozy, sourish scent of grains. Dark, fermented fruit. Plums and apricots. Alcohol. Sweet caramel and toffee. Medium strong carbonation. Slightly thick, oily, soft, smooth, tingling texture. Flavor is intense with a strong sweetness followed by a moderately strong bitterness. Aftertaste is sweet toffee with a light touch of dark alcohol. Lingers for a while. Finish is pure caramel. Potent, dark and very strong. But they manage to hide it behind a sweet, fruity veil of flavor.

improvjock (356) - Kennewick, Washington, USA - AUG 26, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 26, 2021 Bottle. Pours a black with big tan head. Aroma of rich sweet caramel malts and a bit of dark fruit. Fairly sweet with the malts and a hint of chocolate. Really good. Can’t really taste the high abv. Delicious.

Arbitrage411 (73) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - JUN 27, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 27, 2021 Off cap contains an initial smoke, then beautiful smooth pour with 2-3 fingers fine bubble head and consistently solid lacing. A darker fluid with slight amber showing against the light. Fragrance is fruit cakes and the taste is a fizzy cherry. Experience of “chillax” as one sips along. Agree with prior reviewer that the ABV is carefully hidden. Finish is the same as first taste, hints of caramel and butterscotch.

chinhaez (155) - Ouray, Colorado, USA - JUN 13, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 13, 2021 12 oz bottle. Pours a dark brown with translucent amber highlight when held to a light. The head is a fine foam moderate in size. The aroma is soft with raisins, dates, burn sugar and molasses. The taste is much the same as the aroma. The palate is a bit lighter than expect in a strong Belgian style beer, but this just helps it go down easy. finishes long and sweet with lingering molasses. Overall: decent.

SylvainCFC (741) - Brussels, BELGIUM - DEC 20, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 20, 2020 Brune foncée surmontée d’un col de mousse beige bien calibré. Belle tenue. Nez de fruits mûrs, fruits confis, malt biscuité, léger parfum anisé et caramélisé, porto. Bouche ample douce très gourmande pâtissière aux arômes de fruits mûrs telle la pomme, la poire, le fruit rouge. Note de cannelle, de chocolat, de caramel, très légère torréfaction. Impression de pain d’épices sans excès ni écœurement. Belle rondeur et alcool très bien intégré. Finale douce, fruitée, biscuitée et épicée. Corpulence assez épaisse, carbonatation moyenne. Très belle bière brune fruitée et gourmande, belle complexité. Buvable pour l’abv.

AnokaBrewer (673) - Anoka, Minnesota, USA - DEC 8, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 8, 2020 Dark beer big tan head. Very well balanced. The alcohol is very well hidden in this beer. Would definitely sneak up on you though.

brnandersen (6409) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - SEP 25, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 25, 2020 341 ml bottle poured in to a Trappist glass. Dark brown colour with a dense lightly tanned head. Sweet aroma with caramel malts, overripe dark fruits, marzipan, a hint of booze, nuts and chocolate. Taste is sweet. Full bodied, lively carbonation. Slightly drying rich fruity finish with green apples and yests. Nice Quadrupel.

pdog555 (1419) - Connecticut, USA - JUL 28, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 28, 2020 Pours toffee colored with a bubbly brown head. Aroma of granola, sweet fruit notes. Taste has toffee, light caramelized malt, caramel, dark stone fruits. Palate has a continuation of the aforementioned, slightly sliced, malt backbone. Much sweeter than I would have anticipated.

PowY (3777) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - MAY 10, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 10, 2020 08.05.2020: 341 ml bottle at home, 9.0% ABV, bought at Drinks of the World, Bern. Pours a hazy very dark copper with a beige head. The aroma is malty with lots of toffee, nuts, caramel, honey, fruity yeast notes, pear, some spices, hibernal spices and some cooked apples. Nice smell. Medium to medium-full body with an average to fizzy carbonation, a medium sweetness, a light bitterness and a light fruity acidity along hints of alcohol. The flavor is similar to the smell but with a surprisingly thin malt body, brown sugar, honey, raisins, very light roasted notes, fruity yeast notes, pear and lots of spices. Finishes with a lot of lasting spicy yeast notes, a light malty sweetness and a light warming feeling. Surprisingly thin body for the ABV; feel a bit empty. The kind of acidic fruity yeast notes and way too much spices in combination with the fizzy carbonation and the alcohol make the beer quiet unbalanced. Aroma: 7 Appearance: 4 Taste: 6 Palate: 3 Overall: 12

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