RATINGS: 97   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.77/5   EST. CALORIES: 282   ABV: 9.4%
A terrific balance of citrus, earth, honey & oak. The Brewmaster's favorite.

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BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - MAR 6, 2018
750ml bottle 858 of 1126 thanks to Eric. Pours out golden topped with a white head. Nose is spice wheat hay notes wet grain and sweetness. Tatse is more of the nice sweet malts honey wet grain spice and some oak notes and citrus.

jtclockwork (21083) - , New Jersey, USA - SEP 28, 2012
2008 bottle. Pours reddish orange with white head. Nose/taste of peach, earthy hops, sticky sweet citrus, oak, honey, musty grape and white wine. Medium body. Lots of vinous notes.

beersearcher (2382) - Glendale, California, USA - SEP 8, 2012
Pours a pretty yellow color. Aroma is medium low. I get a mix of honey which is predominant and some oak. A really nice slickness on this one.My good fortune to have this as a first Upstream beer.

FlacoAlto (4421) - Tucson, Arizona, USA - AUG 3, 2012
Bottle 181 / 1191; Sampled March 2011; RBWG
The beer pours with a hazy, amber gold color that is topped by a pale head. The nose smells lightly tart, sort of reminds me of Sauvignon Blanc, some oaked Chardonnay, grassy grain and even some touches of mustiness. The tartness here seems a bit lactic and a touch acetic; the acetic character melds with the fruit notes to bring out a strawberry like spiciness.

The beer tastes dry, has a nice texture to it, and there is a as spicy acetic character here as well as lots of white wine like notes; Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay again. The beer has a viscosity to it, it is not chewy, but it does stick to the palate. Hay like flavors from the grain, and even a touch wheat like in its flavors. This is really quite complex; it has a woodiness to it that is soft, but contributes hints of butterscotch, fresh cut plank like woodiness, and a bit of spiciness (though most of the spiciness comes from the acetic character, but this accentuates a strawberry vinegar like flavor).

I really like how complex this is; I would certainly prefer a lactic tartness over the acetic character that is here, but it is light enough that this is still quite good. The mix of oak, white wine notes, nice tartness, and grassy grain notes all combine quite well.

arminjewell (9756) - East Lansing, Michigan, USA - APR 6, 2012
Hazy orange pour with thin white head, out of bottle, thanks Aaron for the pour. Hazy orange pour with thin off white head, aroma has notes of biscuit white grape, lots of pear, some nice white, as well. Taste is a nice mix of caramel, some nice lemon, biscuit, hints of yeast notes finishing fairly sweet.

cubs (10772) - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - APR 6, 2012
Bottle @ Armin’s house. Somewhat cloudy, reddish orange appearance with an off white head. Honey, rich orange citrusy, bretty, tart lemon aroma. A bit cloying, thick lemon citrusy, bretty, fairly tart, pineapple, tangy, sweet, belgian yeasty flavor. Fun brew but not worth the $17.99 price tag.

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - FEB 19, 2012
2008 Bottle #954 courtesy of a traveling coworker. Cloudy orange-gold pour with a medium thin bone white head that diminishes steadily to an outer ring. Partial rings of lacing on the glass. Citrus, oak and sweet honey in the nose. Full-bodied with a slightly sour citrus character and flavors of sweet malt, oak and honey. The finish is tart and fruity. Good brew all around.

JaBier (12380) - Capital City, Ohio, USA - FEB 15, 2012
Bottle shared by a friend. Hazy amber pour with no head. Funky and sour nose with citrus and stone fruit accents. Very sour up front, with citrus and peach character leading to funk and a very sour apple finish.

NobleSquirrel (3437) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - NOV 18, 2011
Bottle at FoBAB 9. Pours a good looking orangey color with a fluffy head. The nose alright, a bit phenolic, plastic and farmhouse aromatics. White pepper and some citrus as well. On tasting, it’s a big beer, alcohol apparent but the phenols really distract and prevent it from ever transcending. Nose citrusy esters and hop profile, just not quite right. Okay.

phaleslu (14680) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - OCT 2, 2011
750 ml bottle from foppa78- thanks a ton, Mat! Bottle 202/1191. Brewed July 07, bottled August 08. Pours a hazy orange-gold color with virtually no head. I got the first and last pour from the bottle, and there was plenty of reddish yeast sediment in the end of the bottle. Aroma of sweet and bready malts, apricot, grape, honey, oak, fresh melon, graham cracker, and a mild funk throughout it all. Same goes for the flavor, with grapes, lemon citrus, apricot, honey, oak, caramel malts, earth, brown sugar, and a hint of yogurt. Medium-bodied, with low carbonation and a smooth, chewy, funky mouthfeel. Hell of a beer. Really glad I got hooked up with this.

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