Brewed by Užavas Alus
Style: Dark Lager - Dunkel / Tmavý
Užavas pagasts, Ventspils novads, Latvia


on tap


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RATINGS: 83   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.83/5   EST. CALORIES: 147   ABV: 4.9%
Užavas tumšais alus pārstāv klasiskās dzīvā alus darīšanas tradīcijas. Tā nemainīgi augstvērtīgā kvalitāte tiek panākta, izmantojot dabā sastopamās izejvielas – ūdeni, iesalu, apiņus, raugu. Užavas tumšajam alum raksturīga īpaša iesala garša, kuru papildina tīkams apiņu rūgtums un aromāts. Lielisku vizuālo efektu sniedz piesātinātā alus krāsa, kas izpaužas saulrietā dzirkstījoša sarkanīga dzintara toņos. Užavas tumšais alus - alkohola saturs 4,9%, nesatur konservantus, netiek filtrēts un pasterizēts. Fasējums-nerūsējošā tērauda mucās un 0,5 l stikla pudelēs.

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RichardGretton (5318) - Leicestershire, ENGLAND - JAN 19, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2021 Bottle. Bronze coloured beer with a reasonable head. The aroma is yeasty, and the flavour is malty and yeasty with a gentle bitter finish. Overall an average dunkel beer.

kwik-lime (4206) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - OCT 30, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 30, 2020 Bottle from Beers of Europe. Reddish pour, toffee, caramel, plenty of malt. Decent enough.

BlackHaddock (12580) - The County Time Forgot, Shropshire, ENGLAND - SEP 16, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 16, 2020 500ml bottle: BB 29th Sep 2020, drank at home on 16th Sep 2020, so just in date! Beige foam for a head, clean and clear brown body, with an amber hue. Malty nose and a sweet malty taste, thin body. A little disappointed to be honest, bottle cost over 3 Pounds in a local Eastern European shop!

Samuel214 (4202) - Örebro, SWEDEN - FEB 29, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 29, 2020 Flaska från Lettland. Rostorange, klar. Maltigt, sött, honung, aprikosmarmelad, rostat bröd.

Martinsh (1348) - Crewe, Cheshire, ENGLAND - AUG 2, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 2, 2019 On tap at Alus Seta, Riga Surprised I haven’t rated this one before, as it’s long been a firm favourite. Nose is mainly malts with undertones of toffee, honey and caramel. Pours a rich red brick brown with a small almost white head that soon dissipates. In the mouth is a lovely mixture of grains, fruit and nuts. Apples and cherries in the background. Finish is malts with just a hint of hops. A classic dunkel. Formerly the best beer in Latvia – but times have moved on.

tlyx (111) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - JUL 23, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 23, 2019 Maltig arom med inslag av säg och sirap. Medelfyllig, Mjuk brödig smak med en torr avslutning och lätt beska.

SourTun30 (1) - - FEB 21, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: FEB 21, 2019 I signed up in RateBeer just to vote for Uzavs Tumsais. My baseline is Guinness Foreign Extra. Room temperature. Better than the weaker Guinness served in Dublin. The more I drink this the more I like it. Sits very nice on the tongue.

bkurtz (1337) - LITHUANIA - OCT 21, 2018
Bottle - Pours a clear, deep amber with a decent head. Sweet malt aromas. Taste is semi-sweet malts. Ok overall.

DocuDrinks (1555) - Riga, LATVIA - OCT 11, 2018
Smell - medium strong, roast, caramel pleasant, but could be better. Foam - medium thick, soft, some acidic bitterness notes. medium large, cream color (brown, white milk chocolate, but more to the yellow side) Quickly disappears, only some large thin bubbles remain. Appearance - quite light, bit hazy, orange color, personally I think this is one of least appealing ones I have seen :) Looks a bit like blood piss or tea. Taste - some acidic sourness, some bitterness and then sweetness, tastes like it is off, something wrong with this one I think, dont like taste at all... Maybe I got bad batch or it is off, but this not good ...

SVD (4589) - Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS - OCT 5, 2018
Dark orange beer, small head. Aroma is malt, oxidised, sweet, caramel, taste is the same, bit watery, sweet, bitter. Ok

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