Valley Brew Uberhoppy Imperial IPA

RATINGS: 323   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.05/5   IBU: 100   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Überhoppy Imperial IPA: Hops, hops glorious hops! There is no mistaking what this beer is; soft and delicate it is not. Überhoppy is meant to completely overwhelm you with resinous, floral, citrus and herbal hops barely balanced by a huge amount of malt that keeps the Lupulin onslaught from resulting in complete palate destruction. If you do not like hops, Überhoppy is NOT the beer for you, do us all a favor and either give this beer to someone with the intestinal fortitude to appreciate it or put it down and walk away. Überhoppy is brewed with 10 different hop varieties and a complete and utter disregard for common logic or sanity. Please consume this beer as soon as possible to ensure maximum hop freshness. Approximately 9.5% ABV.

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slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 4, 2014
"not quite as hopperific as advertised. also more like an American strong ale than a dbl ipa. less aromatic floral citrusy hops, although there was a little citrus, and more bitterness tempered with a big malty backbone. got it straight from the brewer, so i wouldn’t think it had age on it, but you never know...seemed old."

Lothore (650) - California, USA - MAR 29, 2014
A- Pours a deep, golden, wheaty color with a 1.5 finger, chunky white head that fades with tons of lacing. S- Deep floral hops, grainy with deep undertones of freshly baked bread. Hints of sweet caramel. T- Taste is phenomenal. Starts off with lots of floral citrusey hop notes and is completmented by a wave of sweet, bready goodness. Not nearly as bitter as I was expecting but the hops play a major role in the overall flavor. M- Thick with medium-low carbonation. D- Incredibly drinkable. The hop character is fantastic and everything is balanced perfectly.

shigadeyo (4029) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - AUG 1, 2013

6/17/2010: Valley Uberhoppy... Aroma: Tons of "resinous, floral, citrus, and herbal hops"; very inviting... Appearance: Deep amber color; small beige head; some lacing. Flavor: Syrypy maltiness; lots of "resionous, floral, ctirus, and herbal" hop flavors and bitterness; quite intense; some alcohol in the nose. Palate: Medium-full body; chewy and mellow mouthfreel. Overall: Very good!

1 pint 6 fl. oz. bottle (9.5% Alc. by Vol.) shared by alexsdad06. Thanks Brad! Rating #324 for this beer.

DeadGirl (478) - San Diego, California, USA - AUG 5, 2012
A glowing, amber-ish pour filled with golden highlights from my 12oz. bottle. Thick sediment dances along the edges of my glass in anticipation of my first sip: Oh lord, I picked the perfect Sunday night cap to watch the Olympics with. An unrelenting onslaught of alcohol warns my taste buds of an apparent, "troublesome" presence. It’s a hop palate crusher. But I like it. Clear notes of resin overwhelm, followed by past ripened citrus oils and another wave of oregano. Bitter through the end and then some. Huge oily aftertaste. Drinkability: Great Sunday night brew. Rebuy: Yes.

madmitch76 (34026) - , Essex, ENGLAND - JUN 17, 2012
26th May 2010
Hazy amber beer. Little white bubbly head. Rich grapefruit hop nose with some odd sweet emulsion paint. Smooth dry palate. Rich marmalade grapefruit hops - help back by that odd milky sweet paint thing. Before the dry finish the hops turn spicy. Underpinned by toffee malt. A little off the wall but decent.

KickInChalice (860) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - FEB 23, 2012
From notes. First reviewed 6/9/2010. Poured from a 22 oz. bottle into a tulip. Thanks to azureoval for hooking this up. Uberhoppy pours a dark cherry / burgundy color, with a nice 3 cm off-white head. Not a ton of retention and just a little bit of sticky lace on the glass. The malt is the first thing on the nose, and it is extremely roasted. A great switch up. Tons of hops to go along with it, citrus and pine mostly. A great variety of hops in the flavor. The flavor is different than I have seen in other DIPA’s. Some burnt sugar, chocolate, and smoke join the toffee sweetness to start. After the roasted malt front, citrus hops (mostly apricot and grapefruit) take over, but there are some great pine notes as well. Alcohol sneaks in right at the end, but it is barely present. There is a very noticeable dryness here. Nice creamy feel, with medium carbonation in a full body. A light hoppy oil residue after each sip. A killer DIPA is always drinkable.

bittermestupid (247) - Canton, Ohio, USA - MAY 21, 2011
Pours light golden amber with very little head . Smells of grapefruit, pine, and honey. Huge amounts of malt and honey stand out along with grapefruit, pine and citrus. Mouthfeel is thick and coats the palate well. Finish is bitter but medium in length this beer is probably past it’s prime and would have better fresh.

beerchugger (717) - North Canton, Ohio, USA - MAY 20, 2011
Golden color with a thin white head. Smells of hops and sweet caramel with a bit of pine and earth. Tastes of bitter hops and pine with some earth and heavy sweet caramel malts. Finish is lightly bitter.

hoppyhampy (73) - , California, USA - MAY 6, 2011
22oz. bottle poured into a tulip glass. No freshness info. Pours a clear, deep reddish orange with almost no foam or carbonation and very little lacing. Nose is quite rich with malt, more roaster than sweet. Hops take a back seat here, barely showing at all. Mouthfeel is syrupy and heavy with no carbonation, almost like a barley wine style. Rich, caramel malt with a good amount of resiny texture on the finish, enough to cut the heaviness of the malt and remind you that this is classified as a DIPA. Hops are quite citrus-y but don’t show well enough to make up for the over-abundance of malt. I am really not feeling this one. It has almost nothing I look for in a DIPA.

iugrad93 (265) - Indiana, USA - APR 20, 2011
Pours a dark, cloudy amber color with white head a lots of lacing. Aroma is earthy with spices, slight hint of citrus. Taste is bitter, little sweet. Palate is a heavier body with a long, dry finish. Overall, not bad, but earthy, spicy DIPA’s with amber malts are not my favorite DIPA’s.

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