Serve in Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 21   MEAN: 3.17/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.13/5   EST. CALORIES: 195   ABV: 6.5%
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jybi (1866) - Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA - NOV 20, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2021 Baptist peut être, Saison, j'en suis moins certain car nous sommes plutôt ici sur une blonde que sur une saison. De surcroît, l'ensemble n'est pas passionnant et ne me laissera pas un souvenir impérissable. En verre, nous sommes sur un blond limpide, paré d'une fine effervescence, peu soutenue toutefois et d'une fine mousse blanche. Le nez est sur la pomme de terre, l'écorce d'orange, les céréales avec une touche de coriandre....Bof...L'attaque présente des arômes de citron relativement prégnant avec une acidité bien présente. Celle-ci s'estompe en seconde bouche sur un cocktail aromatique peu passionnant (celui du nez). On retrouve un peu plus d'acidité sur l'arrière bouche et le final qui est d'une longueur acceptable mais sans emphase. Ennuyeux.

Ollemies (102) - - NOV 19, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2021 Kui ma selle pudeli avasin, siis pool õllest oli järsku köögi põrandal maas. Muidu selline korraliku sisuga õlu. Samas ei midagi erilist.

phfyysik (2503) - Tartu, ESTONIA - OCT 19, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2021 Bottle. Pours hazy amber with medium head. Aroma is herbs, grassy, some flowers, tulip, silage. Taste is citrus, yeast, barley, some cereals, buckwheat, some malts. Nice beer!

Wim (5766) - Weelde, BELGIUM - AUG 6, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 6, 2021 bij mijn thuis samen met yves een goud blond kleurig lichaam met een witte kop en met een granig fruitig mout hop aroma een granig fruitig gist zoet licht zuur droge bitter smaak met een bitter einde

Yves (4095) - Turnhout, BELGIUM - JUL 30, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 30, 2021 Shared with Wim at his home. Blond colored beer with large white head and no carbonation. Herby hopped aroma. Full sparkling palate. Finish is spiced hopped bitter.

vipinvelp (6266) - Velp, NETHERLANDS - JUL 20, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 20, 2021 Pours clear yellow, white fluffy lacing foam head. Aroma is sweet, barley. Taste is sweet dominated. (Arnhem 2107)

mike_77 (11723) - Breda, NETHERLANDS - MAR 12, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 12, 2021 Golden colour with lasting head and strong carbonation. Aroma is yeasty and has a little citrus. Flavour has yeast, musty notes and some lemon. Aftertaste has some off notes. A bit sickly.

Alengrin (9649) - Gent, BELGIUM - NOV 20, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2020 Another one in this Baptist series, honouring the founder of the Van Steenberge brewery, Jean-Baptiste De Bruin. Steinie bottle from Latems Drankhuys. Thick and rocky, egg-white, very mousy, intricately cobweb-lacing, very stable head resting on an initially crystal clear, warm pale-orangey 'old gold' beer with fierce, 'champenoise' sparkling feeding the head continuously; misty with sediment. Aroma of freshly cut green apple, old white bread dough, dry crackers, raw potatoes, quite outspoken coriander powder, dried flowers, old dried lemon peel, white soap, minerals, touch damp earth, cooked parsnip, straw. Spritzy, cleanish onset, fruity hints of green apple, unripe banana and some vague peach, restrained in sweetness, lots of minerally (and stinging) carbonation, smooth and slick body; dull cereally and white-bready maltiness, streamlined, leading to a somewhat resinous and bit bubblegummy finish with a grassy and floral hop bitterness that remains altogether mild (too mild for a saison) and is paired with soft but emphatic coriander seed spiciness, adding its soapy effect in a rather misplaced way. Metallic touch lingering in the distance too. 'Saison' seems to be the new buzzword among Belgian brewers, but many of them confuse 'ordinary blonde' with actual saison - this is a very clear example of that: an excessively trivial run-of-the-mill corianderd and fizzy blonde falsely presented as a saison because 'saison' is a highly commercial term these days. Not that I expected anything better from this brewery, of course, and even if judged as the simple standard blonde that it is, it is a very common and understated one, with a glueish-soapy aspect to it that bothered me more than anything. Never trust Van Steenberge.

rand (2880) - SWITZERLAND - NOV 17, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 17, 2020 Dorée à pétillement flegmatique, mousse moyenne peu durable. Arômes de malt-céréales, citron, caramel et fruité compoté. Comme le goût, céréales, citron et pomme, caramel et amande. Belle bouche, un poil lourde, amer moyen et acidité, pointe d'aigreur.

franclh (4303) - Dedemsvaart, NETHERLANDS - AUG 8, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 15, 2020 Fles 33cl thuis. Yeasty, maltig, heel licht bloemig, fruitig. Geen typische saison, meer Belgian ale. (8-8-2020).

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