RATINGS: 738   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.62/5   EST. CALORIES: 255   ABV: 8.5%
While Heavyweight Brewing deserves credit for introducing the Baltic porter style to many craft beer fans, this beer from Victory represents an all new recipe fashioned on the experience of Tom's original intense brew. One noteworthy difference is the higher alcohol by volume of Baltic Thunder, 8.5% compared to Heavyweight's, which weighed in at 8%.

An additional distinction is Victory's use of black eyed peas in lieu of Roman beans. Despite these changes, this dark lager still features a reminiscent roasted character that embodies the fullness of toffee, along with subtle fruit flavors derived from its higher temperature fermentation. Long, cold aging tempers this complex beer into a well-rounded delight that warms with its significant alcohol strength. The final packaged product will be released in 25.4 fluid ounce bottles.

"The first brew of Baltic Thunder was magical. Tom and his original co-conspirator on the beer, Lew Bryson, even came here to Victory to assist. Then, while sharing a pint of Baltic Thunder off of the lagering tank a few weeks later with Tom, I swear the spirit of his departed Perkuno was smiling upon our accomplishment," continued Covaleski.

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PhillyCraft (11988) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 2, 2016
2011 Backlog. Bottle shared, Pours a black thick color with average khaki head. Notes of licorice, smoked and roasted malt, light pepper, chocolate, and coffee bean. Medium to fuller mouthfeel on this 8.5percent porter. Too boozy in the finish to be bought again.

oldrtybastrd (5002) - Fort Walton Beach, Florida, USA - MAY 13, 2016
Pours a nice dark, almost black, brown. Aromas of chocolate, espresso and a little licorice. Big flavor, chocolate, burnt coffee, with a nice little bite to it.

chinchill (6213) - South Carolina, USA - JAN 22, 2015
22 bottle served in a Belgian snifter. Pours with an undersized, bubbly weak head ... and that’s the end of my noteworthy complaints. The body itself is a dark ruby-brown color. The rich aroma is loaded with dark fruit notes, particularly raisin and dried plums, and has hints of chocolate, dark bread and coffee. The flavor does not disappoint. It is rich and fruity, with hints of dates, raisins, dried plums, toffee and faint coffee. The high ABV is a bit too obvious here but there aren’t really any overly boozy aspects.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 6, 2014
"pours almost stout-like. good body - a porter you can sink your teeth into, but deceptively smooth and drinkable for the high abv.aroma strong of roasted coffee, with a similar flavor, where some hop balance comes into play as well. solid accross the board. had bottled...weird, but it was lighter in color and body. very nice flavor and aroma still present."

edgallow (5017) - nashville, Tennessee, USA - JUN 29, 2014
22 oz bomber pours deep brown with a tan head. Aroma if malt, toffee and chocolate. Taste is roasted malts and toffee. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - JUN 16, 2014
Transfer from BA review on 5-19-12- Poured from 22 oz bomber into pint glass Appearance – Pours a deep brown color with a small tan head. The head fades fast to give almost no lacing. Smell – There is a big presence of roasted malt with toffee and chocolate infused within. These are mixed with a lighter dark fruit aroma, overall giving the brew a nice sweet brown bread smell. Taste – A big wallop of sweet toasted malt flavor meets the tongue. This brown bread flavor mixed with a toffee sweetness forms the base for the remaining flavors of the taste to mingle with. Toward the middle, the fruits that were detected in the nose came to be tasted; being of a lighter plum and cherry taste. As the taste went on to the end, the fruit seemed to fade, but a light cocoa flavor took its place. This cocoa, when mixed with the toffee and sweeter malt, created a sweeter roasty flavor. The finish to the taste was also complemented with a smooth increase in alcohol flavor, leaving just a little bit of a pleasant dark rum like flavor on the tongue. Mouthfeel – A nice and creamy body gives all those sweet, dark and rum like flavors a chance to soak into the tongue. The body when coupled with it’s just below average level of carbonation (accentuating the taste penetration of the flavors) makes for a very nice mouthfeel. Overall – This is a very nice example of a porter in my opinion. Nice robust sweeter and darker flavors with hints of fruits and booze. It makes a great drinking experience overall and is a beer I would recommend.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - MAR 22, 2014
Reviewed from notes. The appearance has a dark brown colored body and leaves a fluffy white one finger head that appears and quickly dies to a lumpy film. Very little lacing is left as the beer is consumed. The smell has some sharp earthy spiciness edging on a bit of alcohol, interesting. Some light chocolate comes out once the beer warms a bit. The taste is basically the same as the smell with some lightly added dark fruits. The palate is wet, ranging on the medium side and leaves a slight chocolatey aftertaste. I would say it is fairly drinkable. Overall, this is mainly just mediocre to me, however, still good for its style.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - FEB 7, 2014
22 ounce bottle into tulip glass, no bottle dating. Pours lightly hazy dark reddish brown color with a 2 finger dense khaki head with good retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass. Aromas of big chocolate, cocoa, caramel, biscuit, toast, nuttiness, brown bread, brown sugar, raisin, plum, light roast, herbal, and toasted earthiness. Damn nice aromas with good complexity of dark/toasty malts and light yeast ester notes; with good strength. Taste of chocolate, cocoa, caramel, toast, biscuit, nuttiness, brown sugar, brown bread, light roast, raisin, plum, herbal, and toasted earthiness. Minimal bitterness on the finish; with lingering notes of chocolate, cocoa, toast, biscuit, caramel, nuttiness, brown bread, light roast, herbal, and toasted earthiness on thin finish for a good bit. Damn nice balance and complexity of dark/bready malts and moderate fruity yeast ester flavors; with great malt robustness and zero cloying flavors after the finish. Medium carbonation and medium-full bodied; with a moderately creamy, smooth, and bready mouthfeel that is nice. Alcohol is very well hidden with only a slight warming present after the finish. Overall this is a damn nice Baltic porter. All around nice balance, robustness, and complexity of dark/bready malt and light-moderate yeast ester flavors; and very smooth to sip on for the ABV. A very enjoyable offering.

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - DEC 17, 2013
Keg at Victory, Downington, 27/11/13. Dark mahogony brown with a moderate tan covering. Nose is dark malts, treacle toffee, earthy cocoa, brown sugars. Taste comprises earthy cocoa powder, brown sugar, dark toffee fudge, light roast, mineral bite. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, sweet notes and drying in the climax. Decent.

HogTownHarry (8952) - Toronto (Harbourfront), Ontario, CANADA - DEC 13, 2013
22oz bottle - been in my cellar for .... 4 years? 5? Deep clear ruby-black, small fizzy off-white head. Aroma is - grape juice, soy sauce, alcohol and light roast. Taste - more soy, less grape, some light herbal bitterness - sadly a bit past its prime. Light body, decent carbonation, quick finish and a little papery. I REALLY should have had this sooner.

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