RATINGS: 984   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.5/5   EST. CALORIES: 156   ABV: 5.2%
The pure water we receive from the East Branch of the Brandywine Creek that begins its journey to us just under 14 miles from where we brew with it. We’ll be celebrating this water (insert your lite beer joke here) with our anniversary beer, Headwaters Pale Ale, due to be released February 15, 2011. Now, considering that beer is the product of four simple ingredients and the three other than water rely on water for their existence, we’ve had a fair amount of latitude in paying homage to water in our beer. So, we’ve played all of our cards deftly, bringing the hops, malt and yeast in harmony, with our great local water as the conductor in Headwaters Pale Ale.

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jase3812 (263) - AUSTRALIA - MAY 15, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 15, 2020 Hop bitterness in this pale ale blurs the line between XPA and session IPA. Crisp and easy drinking, a good arvo beer while watching the cricket or summer sport of choice. 

GarrettB (2381) - San Diego, California, USA - JAN 6, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2020 November 1st, 2015 - After rounds of excellent beers it is always nice to get back to some basic brews, and the Headwater Pale Ale is a nice entry back to the more terrestrial world of reliable and stolid beers. The scent is as generic as can be, with a nice ping of bitterness advertising its style, and absent any off-aromas. And the flavor is much the same. A mild hops up front, a long sweet aftertaste, and the impression that this is a solid beer for a local brewery. After discovering it is from Victory I am a little surprised since I find their beers to be on the stronger and bolder side, but it does explain why this Pale Ale is clean and free from anything untoward.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - JUL 19, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 19, 2019 This is a backlog rating from 2013, from notes. When I had this beer it was average to below average for the style and not something I wanted to have again or I just didn't get back to my notes because of my technology at the time. Words to describe this beer are pale malts, citrus, grapefruit, good.

deanso (14471) - Doncaster, South Yorkshire, ENGLAND - JUL 2, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 2, 2019 33cl can from Pastures Discount Foods. Thin creamy white head. Hazy golden pour. Lovely bitterness

voyageurmike (1001) - Pennsylvania, USA - JUN 14, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 14, 2019 From tap, orange gold clear. Medium body, with citrus hop aroma. Slight grapefruit, orange peel, spicy taste. Mildly bitter spice finish.

labeerinthum (5897) - Milano, ITALY - FEB 12, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 12, 2019 Bottiglia. Il gusto al naso va sul luppolo. L'intensità olfattiva è elevata e la continuità olfattiva è apprezzabile. Il cappello di schiuma ha una buona tenuta ed è voluminosa. La grandezza delle bollicine a grana medio-fine. La carbonazione è eccessiva. L'aspetto del liquido è velato. La frizzantezza si manifesta sotto forma di bollicine medie e anche qui la carbonazione è eccessiva, e frizzante. Il colore è ambrato. Il corpo è rotondo. L'amaro è contenuto. L'intensità gustativa è normale e la costanza gustativa è sufficiente per una birra parecchio gassata. Le sensazioni boccali finali sono di pronta beva. Il finale è dissetante e semplice. Il retrogusto è di media intensità. Sulla lingua si depositano impressioni di miele e frutta secca.

humpah (2017) - Jyväskylä, FINLAND - JAN 19, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2019 Bottle from Citymarket. Pours golden color with small head. Aroma of malts, grass, earth, hops, grain, caramel, sweetness. Medium body and carbonation, dry taste. Pretty good pale ale.

kustie (3602) - Tampere, FINLAND - NOV 16, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2018 Bottle. Clear golden color with off-white head. Aroma has caramel, malt, hay and some fruits. Taste is malty with quite long somewhat bitter aftertaste. Flavors of caramel, malt, grass and some needles.

tovesa (4578) - Pirkkala, FINLAND - SEP 15, 2018
UPDATED: SEP 15, 2018 Bottle 330ml at home. From Alko. Pours cloudy golden with off white head. Malts, grain, grass, wood, earth. bitter hops. Medium body, malty and bitter finish. Original rating 7-3-7-3-13 from bottle 355ml at home 2014-12-07.

RedSox2004 (2053) - Pacific Palisades, California, USA - SEP 4, 2018
Taster at the Kennet Sq location. Amber color with a slight haze, thin head and thick lace. Aromas of earthy hops, grass and tea. Flavors includes dark tea, earthiness, and a somewhat dank finish. Light body, generous carbonation, very dry.

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