RATINGS: 11   MEAN: 3.65/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.46/5   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Now usually we don’t do this, but sometimes an instant classic is just begging for a Remix. Chardonnay barrel aging puts a whole new spin on our already tastefully twisted Sour Monkey, with notes of vanilla and oak, rounding out its lemony tart tang and dry finish. Experience this exclusive, next level evolution of our beloved Golden Monkey for yourself.

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NikkTwist (4993) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - FEB 14, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 14, 2020 Draft at Moriartys. Reasonably sure this is the new remix version. Lots of Chardonnay oak barrel flavor. Foggy golden orange pour. Slim fizzy top that dissipated. Grapes. Apricots. Oranges. Quite sour. Sweet vinegary. Pungent finish.

mar (5620) - Dallas, Texas, USA - APR 6, 2019
UPDATED: APR 6, 2019 Crisp amber with a white head. Nose is tart, lightly acidic and candy sugar. Easy palate, vinous on the palate, heavy fruit, wine, oak, bugs and a smooth finish.

drjay44 (4629) - Salida, Colorado, USA - JAN 1, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 1, 2019 Pours a white, well retained head, with slight lacing, over a clear yellow (SRM 3) body.......nose is light wine tones, spices, slight funk, mild citrus and barrel tones......taste is moderate malt heaviness, mild acid/sour tones, spice notes, citrus, light wine, vanilla oak, relatively dry.......mouth feel, medium body, alcohol, moderate carbonation. This is a lovely complex beer in aroma and taste, which is enjoyable and drinkable. The wine barrel additions are nice. BJCP 9/3/15/4/8

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - DEC 8, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 8, 2018 750 ml bottle into tulip glass, bottled on 5/2/2018. Pours fairly crystal clear medium golden yellow color with a 1-2 finger dense and fluffy off white head with great retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of big tart/sour lemon, lime, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, melon, apricot, red/green apple, white grape/wine, toasted oak, hay, straw, grass, cracker, and white bread; with lighter notes of caramel, honey, oaken vanilla, peppercorn, buttery chardonnay, leathery/musty funk, white wine vinegar, and yeast/oak earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of fruity/funky/acidic/spicy yeast, chardonnay barrels, and pale malt notes; with great strength. Taste of big tart/sour lemon, lime, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, melon, apricot, red/green apple, white grape/wine, toasted oak, hay, straw, grass, cracker, and white bread; with lighter notes of caramel, honey, oaken vanilla, peppercorn, buttery chardonnay, leathery/musty funk, white wine vinegar, and yeast/oak earthiness. Light-moderate lactic tart/sourness, wine tang; and light yeast/oak tannin spiciness on the finish. Lingering notes of tart/sour lemon, lime, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, melon, apricot, red/green apple, white grape/wine, toasted oak, hay, straw, grass, cracker, white bread, honey/vanilla/funk/vinegar, and yeast/oak earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Incredible complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/funky/acidic/spicy yeast, chardonnay barrels, and pale malt flavors; with an awesome malt/tart/sourness and tangy wine balance; with no cloying/puckering flavors after the finish. Light-moderate increasing dryness from lingering tart/sourness and wine tang. Medium carbonation and body; with a very smooth, moderately creamy/grainy/acidic/tangy/tannic, and fairly crisp balanced mouthfeel that is fantastic. Minimal warming alcohol for 9.5%. Overall this is an incredible barrel aged sour triple style! All around fantastic complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/funky/acidic/spicy yeast, chardonnay barrels, and pale malt flavors; very smooth, easy, and fairly crisp to drink with the modestly acidic/tangy/tannic/drying finish, not overly lactic. Amazingly balanced Brett/Bacteria complexity and chardonnay barrel presence/integration; with a great pils malt backbone against acidity. Very well attenuated, not overly sweet for the ABV. A highly enjoyable offering as expected. Just as impressive as the base beer, with added chardonnay barrel complexity.

Travlr (30307) - No fixed abode, South Dakota, USA - OCT 19, 2018
Draft at Yancey in Charlotte. Hazy golden colorwhite head. Aroma of sourdough bread and light vinous tannins. Taste is tart tart tart.

ffaoe (1534) - Moorestown, New Jersey, USA - AUG 19, 2018
light tart aroma. gold and clear in color with fast fading head. taste is moderately tart with light notes of citrus, very faint oak

hopdog (19493) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - JUL 7, 2018
750ml bottle - few times. I'm a sucker for sour monkey so a new version I was excited. Poured a hazy golden color with an averaged sized head. Citrus, barrel, vinous / chardonnay, funky and tart finish.

Sirmixsomewhat (266) - Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 25, 2017
This beer pales in comparison to the beer it’s modeled after (sour monkey), but it’s not bad. If you don’t like chardonnay (I don’t), it can kind of take away from the experience of drinking it because the chardonnay barreling is very evident, but it’s got enough of a sour kick that it still stands well on its own.

egajdzis (9093) - Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 23, 2017
Dark golden color with a medium sized, white head that left nice lacing on the glass. Aroma of honey, citrus, spices, vanilla, wood, chardonnay. Taste of oak, citrus, spices, chardonnay, dry finish.

abdiorio (43) - West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 22, 2017
Smells like sour and whiskey (even though it’s made with chard). The chardonnay taste overpowers the sour and leaves the same finish as if you took a shot of a buttery chard. A little too much.

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