Brewed by Brasserie Vrooden
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Granby, Canada


on tap


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RATINGS: 20   MEAN: 4.01/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.84/5   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Notre Ur-Bock Signature a été affinée en fûts de chêne ayant contenu du rhum jamaïcain vielle 5 ans.

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fiery1 (4103) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 18, 2019 500ml bottle @ Matt's. Pours a darkened clear brown colour with a small off-white head. Nose is ripe bananas, barrel, and gentle toasted malt. Flavour is frtuiy bubblegum, mild rum barrels, and light caramel. Medium to light bodied, with good carbonation, and a moderate sweetness with a mild warming character. Very different, but enjoyable.

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 18, 2019 500ml bottle at Matt's. Appearance: opaque brown with a tan head. Aroma: riped bananas, clove, malty notes. Taste: similar. Overall: I don't find a lot of barrel character in here, that's very usual for QC beers. There is some fruity character coming from rum barrels, but not much of it. It is a good beer, though.

Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 18, 2019 Lots of dark notes, estery banana, clove, and sweet molasses. Cloudy copper with with a decent beige head. Clove and spice with molasses and malts.

Oakes (26757) - Gibsons, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 18, 2019 Medium brown with a fair bit of haze, and a thick head. On the nose, has a nice molasses accent, full malts, though not bread. Touch of barrel. On the palate, probably too much molasses on the palate, not much balance. Body is actually a bit light for doppelbock, but the sugary richness is nice.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 18, 2019 500mL bottle, pours a deep dark brown with a small tan head. Aroma is loaded with the rum barrels upfront, with tons of boozy tropical fruit, and toasted caramel malt. Flavour is very fruity, with lots of tropical fruits, rum barrels, and caramel. Lovely fruitiness, with the rum showcasing really well. It doesn't really strike me as a doppelbock, as the barrels steal the show. Whatever it is, this is great.

Eructoblaster (6993) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 29, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2018 Bouteille - 500ml. Belle robe brun foncé avec des reflets rubis, une effervescence moyenne et un col beige, crémeux, mince mais persistant. Arôme malté/houblonné riche et agrémenté de nuances de sucre d'orge, de bois, de rhum et de fruits confits. L'alcool se manifeste avec retenue. En bouche, c'est bien équilibré et la texture est soyeuse. La base maltée/houblonnée est appuyée par des notes boisées, de rhum et de fruits macérés. On décèle de subtiles pointes de caramel et de torréfaction. Longue finale sucrée/boisée et réconfortante. Produit fort bien réussi.

rodenbach99 (4842) - Longueuil, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 28, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 28, 2018 Bouteille de 500ml. Le liquide a une robe brune foncée avec une mousse beige. Un nez intense de rhum, bois, caramel. La bouche est sucrée avec des notes de caramel, de chocolat, de fruits secs, d'épices et de rhum.

Stoned99 (2439) - Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 25, 2018
500ml bottle shared with Seb and Guylaine at their place. Aroma: caramel, molasses, nuts, light wood. App: dark burgundy, minimal brown head leaving good lacing. Taste and palate: medium to full body, medium sweetness, moderate acidity finish. Overall: pretty good. Easy to drink despite its high abv. Excellent tbh.

strowlands8 (572) - Ontario, CANADA - APR 21, 2018
Pours molasses with a thick creamy head. Aroma is turbonado sugar. Taste is overwhelmingly sweet- no hop bitterness or presence

Ljus (872) - Quebec, CANADA - APR 13, 2018
Apparence : Brune foncée, reflets rouges, assez claire, gros col brun, carbonatation tout de même assez présente, belle dentelle.
Nez : Malt toasté, mat rôti, fruits rouges en compote, raisins secs, sucre brun.
Goût : Fruits mentionnés au nez, raisins secs, malt toasté et grillé signé malt Munich, alcool, touche boisée, sucrée.
Sensation : Dense, crémeuse, chaleureuse, longue, touche piquante.
Bref : Très belle expression du malt aux multiples facettes rehaussé par un fut qui ne vient jamais voler la vedette à la base, mais bien la compléter. Le malt Munich est en vedette et le corps est parfait pour la bière.

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