RATINGS: 642   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.49/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
During even the coldest of weather, warm up to the smooth, robust taste of our Winter’s Bourbon Cask Ale. Full of rich aromas that you find in the winter months, hints of vanilla and flavorful hops, this is a beer that is great for pouring into a large tulip glass and enjoying with friends around a fireplace.

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MashMaster31 (1) - - FEB 19, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: FEB 19, 2019 This was my favorite beer. I bought it in bottles and keg. I wish they still brewed it, I can’t find it anymore. The regular beer drinkers and beer snobs didn’t seem to like it, but I like new things, and this was great. There seemed to be significant differences in brewing years in regards to taste, the last year (2009?) was the worst, having more of a woody flavor compared to previous brewing years featuring malty vanilla and orange notes. If you like vanilla, this is your beer.

Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - APR 20, 2018
I keep flipping back and forth over this one. Has potential to be one of their winners, but I'm not so sure that it is. I saw it on the shelf right before New Year's and it was the last 6-pack, so figured could be a popular "hot" beer and decided to grab it while it was still there. I like some of the other new Michs, especially their Pale Ale and Jack's Pumpkin Spice (for the price that is)....so decided to try this out. Basically, it is what it is. The flavors overall work for me, but the balance it not the greatest. At the end when all the sweet spices & vanilla, when all the oak goes away, you can taste some mild hops there. It really isn't a bad beer, I would say a slightly below average seasonal. Worth the try, just don't think I'd get again.

Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - OCT 18, 2017
From Nov 2006 Poured from 12oz bottle a clear ruby red with a medium sized head of foam that shrunk fairly slowly leaving a solid layer. The smell is on the light side but I can definitely sense some vanilla notes. The taste up front is pretty huge on vanilla and after a few more sips, I don't notice any other flavours moving in. Pretty one dimensional judging from this one bottle I've consumed. Maybe another bottle closer to room temp will change my opinion. Also.. there is a bit of harshness on the tongue that I'm noticing at the finish which is knocking down the drinkability factor. Not good. Bottom line: I was hoping for something reasonably respectable from this brew and I didn't get it. I'll not buy this again.

BeerRenter76 (1097) - Texas, USA - SEP 13, 2016
I was skeptical because it is an AB product, but it was actually not terrible. Aroma of vanilla, spice and malts. Flavors of vanilla, caramel malts and some nuts. It was o.k. and worth a try but i dont know if i would buy this year. Originally rated on 11/12/08.

tysongillmore (362) - Tucson, Arizona, USA - NOV 21, 2015
I didn't take any extra notes when I tried this beer for the first time but I'm gonna try it again and update my comments. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

jsmanigold (127) - Texas, USA - JUL 23, 2015
This was a pretty good brew even though it was made by Michelob. It had a light watery feel to it. The taste was pretty good. Great vanilla taste with a hint of bourbon. I am not sure that they even make this anymore. I would not mind getting my hands on some more.

kingofthemtn (57) - - JUL 1, 2015
from notes 1-12-2011. I don’t think this beer is made anymore, but I wish it was. I bought a single bottle because I was intrigued by the vanilla while buying a ton of single bottles at Beers of the World in Rochester. Dark amber color, very little head, tasty malt flavor, smooth with slight vanilla. I think this fall I’ll try to homebrew a porter with bourbon soaked vanilla beans and maybe perle hops.

FestDecBeet (412) - - DEC 28, 2014
Look: pours a dark Amber. Off white head. Very cloudy. Smell: sweet caramel. Very light bourbon. Vanilla. Bananas. Taste: bananas. Very fruity. Feel: slight dryness. Odd bitterness on the back. Overall: not a very good beer. Not what I'm looking for. Could be due to the 2007 "vintage" First drank: 12/28/14 home.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 18, 2014
"not nearly as bad as i was expecting (i bought it as a joke), but after the half way point of a pint, the vanilla was beginning to be a little too much...and there’s not much else there

ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - OCT 12, 2014
Hints of vanilla, but nothing else redeeming about this weak, cloying attempt at a beer.

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