Dark Horse Bourbon Barrel Plead the 5th Imperial Stout

RATINGS: 542   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.16/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 360   ABV: 12%
This beer is a big and full bodied Imperial Stout aged in bourbon barrels with lots of roasted malts, but very balanced with heavy hops. Brewed with a top secret root, this beer has an amazingly complex flavor that you must wait for.
Previous years: 11% - 14% ABV

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simontomlinson (4357) - Lancashire, ENGLAND - MAY 23, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 23, 2020 Small light brown head left a spotty cover on a near black still body. Tar, coal & liquorice aroma. Medium to full bodied, smooth on the front with lively back & tingly aft. Liquorice, bourbon, malt, dark chocolate & coffee tastes. Excellent.

melush (11220) - SPAIN - OCT 19, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2019 35,5cl Bottle @ BrewDog Online Store, Fraseburgh, United Kingdom. Black colour with a thin tan head. Aroma is roasted malt, cocoa, coffee, vanilla, licorice, bourbon. Taste is roasted malt, milk chocolate, toffee, coffee, vanilla, licorice, nuts, oak, bourbon. Full body, soft carbonation.

eduardovl (1820) - SWITZERLAND - JUN 21, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 21, 2019 330ml bottle served in a snifter glass. Vintage 2016 bottle (11% ABV). A: Pours an oily black color forming a small medium creamy beige head with small retention that leaves some few spotty molasses lacings in the glass. S: Sweet nose. Strong notes of dark chocolate, roasted malts, coffee beans, licorice, vanilla. Strong notes of bourbon and wood. A bit booze finish. Hints of grassy hops. T: Sweet and roasted upfront. Strong notes of roasted malts, candy sugar, caramel, bourbon, oak, vanilla, dark chocolate and coffee. Strong and low persistent lingering bitterness. Grassy hops profile. M: Heavy and molasses body. Low carbonation. Sweet and roasted aftertaste. Strong notes of dark chocolate, oak and bourbon. O: Excellent drinkability. Masterpiece Imperial Stout. [ RB Review @ 06/21/2019 ]

BigBeer45 (1681) - Michigan, USA - JUN 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 18, 2019 Can poured into a glass, can from growler station at Holiday Market, 2016 version of BA Plead the Fifth, 11% alc., this beer was black in the glass and it had a small cover of bubbles that receded quickly, this beer had aromas of roasted malt, bourbon, faint intense roasted malt notes, some coffee, faint chocolate, roasted malt sweetness, dark sugar, the flavors were roasted malt, bourbon, some intense roasted malt, coffee, a little chocolate, some dark bread, faint licorice in the background, malt and bourbon sweetness, some molasses, alcohol bite and some roasted malt bitterness at the finish, the bitterness lingered a bit, the mouth feel was more than medium towards full, carbonation was soft to less than medium, it had a little creamy feel, this drink was a nice mix of imperial stout and bourbon, I recommend.

sirdrinkalot69 (4) - - MAY 9, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: MAY 9, 2019 All I can say is that this is a great tasting beer! If you like a rich full bodied BBS then you should like this beer. Unless of course you’re a Trump fan and in that case you have no sense at all.

flying_pig (2680) - IRELAND - APR 26, 2019
UPDATED: APR 26, 2019 355ml bottle from Brewdog.com (£4.90):
A jet black, opaque beer that's got a very fine, tan brown lacing on top but it quickly fades to a bubbly lacing around the circumference a few seconds later. The nose isn't quite as strong as you'd expect from an 11% beer but opens with dark malts, coffee & an earthy bitterness as well as some alcohol & touches of vanilla. The taste is stronger although the alcohol is surprisingly well hidden given the strength, there's plenty dark malts & a few smoked flavours with earthy hops & hints of caramel alongside some dark fruits sitting in the background. Its a full bodied beer with light carbonation & a fairly thick, smooth feel that goes down well with a pleasantly warming feel to round things off; great stuff. 

adster (1158) - HUNGARY - DEC 29, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2018 Olajos szerkezetű, végtelen mély, feketébe hajlóan barna színű test parfümös illatpamacsokkal, amelyek kifinomult, elegáns vonalú alkoholok képét idézik. Likőrök, cseppnyi konyak, fahordós pikantéria, határozott bourbon-mondanivaló - ütős aromaáradat. Megfelelően lágy és krémes, igen gazdag, mézes gabonapelyhes, vaníliás, tejeskávés, csipetnyi kókuszpelyhes ízözön, szerkezete azonban túlságosan is véges, kissé karcsú, nem az a beláthatatlanul összetett, megszámlálhatatlanul rétegzett karakter. A whiskey emléke leginkább annak alkoholos lenyomatát hagyja hátra ízében, így kissé éles, a vártnál metszőbb a test. Mindemellett nem egy könnyen megkerülhető főzet, valóban ott a helye a klasszikusok csarnokában.

SinH4 (13263) - Garching bei München, Bavaria, GERMANY - DEC 11, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 11, 2018 Bottle. Dark brown color with beige head. Aroma is chocolate, vanilla, caramel, wood. Taste is chocolate, very woody, thick, roasted, tobacco. Oily mouthfeel with fizzy-ish carbonation. Very tasty!

Ritzn (3921) - GERMANY - DEC 11, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 11, 2018 Dark brown. Aroma is hazelnut and walnut, nutpeel, chocolate, cocoa, lacto, dried apricot. Taste is intense nutpeel and sweetness, diabetes again, a bit spicy. Very smooth. Still somehow overdone.

Rubin77 (7197) - Brussels, BELGIUM - NOV 7, 2018
F: thin brown film yet no real. C: black, opaque. A: chocolate sauce, cocoa, vanilla, dark malts, toffee, bourbon, woody, coconut, complex. T: rich dark malts, cocoa, thick chocolate, bit herbal, coconut touch, woody, caramel, warming alcohol, vanilla, bourbon, caramel, complex, full body and almost no carbonation, great beer for the style, fully enjoyable for me, 355ml bottle (Vintage 2016, 11%) from trade with Werckmeister, many thanks man. My beer #4000.

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