RATINGS: 3079   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.28/5   SEASONAL: Spring   IBU: 70   EST. CALORIES: 369   ABV: 12.3%
A bit of backwoods pleasure without the banjo. This strong stout is brewed with a hint of coffee and vanilla then aged in oak bourbon barrels. Our process ensures that strong bourbon undertones come through in the finish in every batch we brew. We recommend decanting at room temperature and best enjoyed in a brandy snifter.

2016 vintage - 12.4% abv
2017 vintage - 11.9% abv
2018 vintage - 12.3% abv
2019 vintage - 12.2% abv

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midovark (4274) - Budapest, HUNGARY - DEC 28, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 28, 2021 Bottle at home on Christmas Eve. Őszintén szólva kissé tartottam tőle, mert többször megesett már, hogy belefutottam olyan, itt igencsak magasan jegyzett sörbe, ami aztán kisebb-nagyobb csalódást okozott. Hiszen ahhoz, hogy valami legenda státuszig emelkedjen itt a ratebeeren, nem árt, ha sok/több értékelése van, ami meg ugye aránylag ritka az új(abb) söröknél, ismerve az oldal látogatottságát. Ugyanakkor a KBS meg csak KBS, gondoltam magamban, biztosan tud azért valamit, ami egy olyan közepesen tapasztalt fogyasztónak is nyújt valami izgalmasat, amilyen én vagyok. Nos, újfent tévednem kellett. A relatíve magas elvárásaimat félretéve is ez bizony ez tisztességesen összerakott, korrekt kis impy közepes, vagy annál kissé kevéssé intenzív hordós karakterrel. És nagyjából ennyi. Persze, azt könnyű látni, hogy ez 10-15 éve miért lehetett akkora durranás, de azért szerencsére manapság ezt a szintet jócskán megugorja már egy közepesen jó főzde is. Egyfajta tanulópénz volt ez, talán, meg figyelmeztetés hogy a CBS-ttől se várjak majd túl sokat hehe.

tovesa (4578) - Pirkkala, FINLAND - NOV 27, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 27, 2021 Bottle 355ml at Ruovesi KBS - CBS horizontal. Pours black with thin bige head. Flavor has chocolate, coffee, bourbon barrel, caramel. Full body, oily texture, soft carbonation, roasted finish. Original rating 9-4-9-4-17 from bottle 355ml at Konttori 2015-04-24.

igneous1 (1565) - Meridian, Idaho, USA - NOV 24, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 24, 2021 Bottled on 9/9/21. 12% about. Jet black, light brown head. Definite notes of bourbon, vanilla, and some kind of dark fruit. Hints of chocolate when I inhale a little more deeply. Flavors of dark fruit are quite prominent. Vanilla and bourbon flavors are more subdued than in the aroma. Strong hints of cherry linger in the finish. Almost like those chocolate cherry cordials. Truly one of the best beers I've had in years. Glad I have a 4-pack!

Gurthnar (9965) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 Shared with the boys at BBT 11/2021. Medium body, med-high carbonation. Loads and loads of malt character. Focused on the dark malts, strong coffee, slightly burnt and ashy. Also strong chocolate, cocoa, light caramel, and toffee. ABV hidden pretty well, it is perceivably strong, but well rounded. Very good.

LakatosKE (1567) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 Aroma: rich dark roast coffee, vanilla, chocolate. Taste: rich in vanilla, coffee, chocolate. Full bodied, moderate carbonation, moderate bitterness. Complex, good, enjoyed.

Wendigo (4211) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 Bottle. Malty aroma and taste, a lot of coffee, chocolate, bourbin notes, medium to high bitter. Full body, malty coffee bitter finish with warming alcohol notes. Good.

MisoW (5809) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 Bottle at Slovak beer tasting 11/2021. Pours black color, beige head. Aroma of coffee, vanilla, dark chocolate. Taste is sweet, medium bitter, milk chocolate, vanilla, coffee, toffee.

dannyhill (1813) - SLOVAKIA - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 C: opaque dark brown N: coffee, green, leafy, light caramel P: coffee, toffee, caramel, oak, bourbon, vanilla, toasted coconut, lightly astringent oaky finish

Yorona (69) - - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 Nose is vanilla, toffee, caramel. Light carbonation and v big body. Taste is typical Founders wonderful balance. Vanilla, chocolate, coffee. The bourbon warmth really floods in after the initial taste and warms me through. A fine, fine example of a BA imperial Stout.

climberbob (777) - Virginia, USA - NOV 7, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 7, 2021 Bottle into stout glass. Looks like it should. Pitch black with thin tan head. Complex aroma of vanilla, bourbon, milk chocolate, coffee and a bit of crème brûlée in there too. Silky smooth, oily mouthfeel. Taste has all the same aroma profiles in there. Chocolate coffee finish with a touch of roastyness in there.

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