7-Eleven - Various locations

Mayor: GoufCustom (5) | Bottles: 30+
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  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 3/10
  • SELECTION 1/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 5/10
  • OVERALL 3/20
mcberko  (2530) Vancouver, British Columbia | August 24, 2019
The few 7-Elevens I've been in throughout HK haven't demonstrated much of a beer selection beyond Guinness Extra Stout, Brooklyn Lager, and maybe another. Nothing doing here these days.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 11/20
left_bank  (107) , Japan | December 12, 2014
For the most part,I really like 7-elevens in Hong Kong;hard working people doing a very good job ! 7-elevens can be the size of my bedroom closet or the size of a one bedroom apartment with the beer selections matching the size. The important thing here is that you can find some really good craft beers in these stores with competitive prices to the bigger food chain stores.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 6/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 10/20
GT  (672) San Diego, California | August 15, 2014
Backlog rate from my travels in Asia. 7-Eleven in both HK and Singapore for the most part stock craft beer, and sometimes quite a lot of it. And by craft, I mean readily available good beers that are exported across the world like Hoegaarden, Asahi Black, Franziskaner, Paulaner. Occasionally I was able to find a local bottled beer in a 7 such as the eponymous "Hong Kong Beer", which was very bad. Maybe there are more local HK beers available and perhaps better Taiwanese and Japanese craft beers.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD 5/10
  • VALUE 5/10
  • OVERALL 12/20
GoufCustom  (128) , Hong Kong | October 1, 2013
I don’t have much to say about "7" as convenience stores as it is around your corner all over the world. In Hong Kong, though, this is the store chain where they import some rarely seen imported beers from Japan, South East Asia and Europe. Such as seasonal Happoshus from Asahi, fruit beers from several Taiwanese breweries, rare macro malt liquors, and German Oktoberfestbiers, and so on. I always keep an eye on it, as you never really know what they will bring and it’s always fun to try out these new odds and ends!

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