British Open Pub

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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 3/15
  • FOOD 5/10
  • VALUE 5/10
  • OVERALL 5/20
njnut  (49) Toms River, New Jersey | November 29, 2013
I was here twice, both times it was fairly dead. The views of the course are nice. It is fairly quiet. I also had the feeling that with a name like the British Open Pub it would be like a British Pub but hanging British golfing posters on the wall does not make it so. The first time I was with 3 people. My meal was fair but the other 2 I was with thought the meals were made earlier, frozen and reheated. I did not get that feelig with my Shepards pie but it seemed made by someone with only a small inkling of what it was supposed to be. Beer selections were poor and only big brewery selections.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 4/10
  • SELECTION 4/15
  • FOOD 4/10
  • VALUE 3/10
  • OVERALL 6/20
Malty_MacHops  (17) Eastanollee, Georgia | November 20, 2011
I had high hopes for a place proclaiming to be a British pub. I would have expected a good selection of English ales and at least a porter, but nothing. The staff had no clue about beer or even their own selections. To top it off my Smithwick’s Ale was served in an ice cold pint glass. Overall not a good experience.

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