
Taps: 5 | Bottles: 25
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 6/10
  • SELECTION 13/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 9/10
  • OVERALL 18/20
hooves  (2) Eau Claire, Wisconsin | January 10, 2009
An ironically eclectic Irish/tropical/sports/anything goes bar. Said to once host a much tougher, more Irish crowd, now is a laid back mishmash of styles and people. Jukebox is packed full of crowd picked favorites, mostly great indie-pop/rock and some punk rock. Also features a deer head mounted on the wall, wearing a Dorsey Levens Green Bay Packer jersey with both a cheesehead and Santa hat on, decked out in bead necklaces and holding Ireland’s flag. Awesome. Drinks are always cheap, sometimes free if you become a regular. The bartending staff is known to be a bit snooty fairly regularly, especially one particularily terrible employee, but they always make strong mixes. Not busy very often, so there’s always a table or barstool a’waitin’.

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