Craft Beers Delivered.Com

Bottles: 100+
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 17/20
johndoughty  (52) cheslyn hay, England | October 6, 2020
I used this company, which is owned by Celtic Whiskey.The address in Dublin is this company's but as far as I know they only do internet delivery. Shipping costs are a bit strange as they give a fixed price for the UK for cans but you have to obtain a quote for bottles-there is no mixing. You also have to use PayPal as they won't accept cards for bottles although they do for cans. This all sound a bit complicated but was made harder by problems I experienced with my PayPal account which were all my own fault. The wonderfully patient Julie Christie at their end dealt with them all I eventually got my beer. Their selection is strong on Irish craft some of which i have never seen in the UK and a smattering of Americans with some UK and other Europeans also available. Prices were reasonable and probably less than I would pay in the UK.Shipping costs to the UK for bottles were a bit high but for cans very reasonable. Worth checking out if only for the excellent service.I have given a score for ambiance just to make sure that the site doesn't get a low score that it doesn't deserve.

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