Dystopian State Brewing Company

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  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
Capa  (526) , Japan | November 1, 2017
A beautifully decorated and large space with great views over the bay. Service was friendly and quick. We got a flight and a couple extra and the beers ranged from good to very good. There were two parties going on while we were there and we still had tons of room to ourselves. Definitely a nice space and worth a stop.
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 10/20
after4ever  (322) Mukilteo, Washington | April 9, 2017
These guys have an absolutely amazing space that’s fully appropriate for all ages--kids are welcome, and it’s wheelchair-accessible. I believe there’s an elevator in here somewhere, too; big service elevator from when it used to be a car dealership. Not sure if it’s still in service. It’s a kickass ancient brick building, warehouse-sized, with big buttressed ceilings and giant windows on two walls. Perfect place to reclaim and start a brewery with a great big taproom.

There’s no food, but they clearly welcome outside grub. They even have PSP menus, among others, sitting right out on the bar. There’s plenty of seating around the bar and scattered around tables and chairs. There are big leather couches back over there somewhere.

I just can’t get over what a nice job they’ve done with the carpentry, making it look appropriately industrial while keeping it perfectly welcoming and comfortable. The industrial aesthetic works well with their branding, which is their other big accomplishment. The whole dystopia vibe could play well with an enlightened, politically-aware perspective of life right here on planet earth, but they’ve opted for the more sci-fi vision of totalitarianism, though they mix in a lot of graphics from agitprop and nazi germany to flesh out the visuals. Given a possible interest they seem to maybe have in nordic heritage, you could be forgiven for taking this as somewhat alarming, but there’s nothing off-putting about the space or the staff.

The beer’s okay at this point; if you’re a geek you might quibble with some details but for most folks this stuff is just fine. Prices are good and there’s tons of elbow room--great place to have a beer.

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