El Trappist

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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 14/20
AllGrainForever15  (291) Leuven, Belgium | December 24, 2021
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 13/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 12/20
Leeale  (338) , | May 31, 2021
Great bar with a fantastic selection and service, just a shame the prices seemed to be quite expansive for local standards.
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 17/20
solidfunk  (852) Washington D.C., Washington DC | September 26, 2018
Probably the best place in Mexico City in terms of selection still. Tons of bottles, like over 60 available, with two or three taps. The guys mostly know their stuff and are happy to talk beer - the only down point being when I asked the bartender for a recommendation for my last one and he goes and pops open a golden ale for me before I can even say "wait!" It was an above average golden ale, but a golden ale nonetheless - and this with a fridge full of stouts, IPAs, Belgians and other real beers. Hmmm... Anyway, cool little hole in the wall nonetheless, and friendly service.
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 17/20
mansquito  (176) Nueva York, New York | September 9, 2018
Very small cozy, oldschool beer place. All the beers are in bottles and you kind of have to get behind the bar to see what they got, as there are no menus. The staff are friendly (and some speak English), and/but their general approach is to ask people what they like and bring a corresponding beer. This is not a viable option for someone on this site, of course. The selection is pretty big, but some of the beers are pretty old (we definitely had some old IPA here). They also have their house beers brewed by Dos Polomas, which are interesting. A big plus here was that they were playing pretty dope music (video sets of interesting DJs and a Chilean afrobeat group) for the whole night. We didn't have the food, but everyone else did. Jamin serrano on the scene. I was in Mexico, so I did not look at the prices... cheap by Western standards.
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 15/15
  • FOOD 10/10
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 20/20
jefePardo02  (1) , | August 29, 2018
Gran lugar!! Una variedad increíble de cerveza! Mucha cerveza mexicana que no conocía guiada por buenas recomendaciones. Selección musical imperdible, grandes descubrimientos, en un ambiente relajado. Toda una experiencia!!
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 15/15
  • FOOD 10/10
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 20/20
CynRubio  (1) Rio Bravo, Mexico | March 12, 2018
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 15/15
  • FOOD 10/10
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 20/20
MaltoseTasty14  (1) RIO BRAVO, TAMAULIPAS, Mexico | March 12, 2018
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 14/15
  • FOOD 8/10
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 17/20
dwyerpg  (35) Las Vegas, Nevada | March 13, 2017
Really not much to complain about here, other than the small number of tap beers. Three fridges of micro beers, one dedicated to mostly Belgian, one to mostly American and the third to solely Mexican microbrews. Decent food. Prices are about $5 a beer (high for Mexico but not elsewhere). Nice knowledgeable bartenders.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 18/20
rbowser  (16) Portsmouth, New Hampshire | July 24, 2015
This is an impossibly small bar in Condesa that opens each day around 4:30pm. I had a couple of great Mexican craft beers including one world class IPA from I believe Tijuana. Great service, interesting and friendly crowd. The night I was there they managed to fit in a three piece band in what was already the smallest bar I had seen. Sitting outside, on the sidewalk, under the awning is very pleasant. Recommend as one of the best places for beer in the DF.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD 6/10
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
Sdaniel90  (25) Mexico City, Mexico | April 13, 2015| Updated June 17, 2017
Cozy place that despite its name specializes in national brews. Its nice to go knowing you can always find a new local beer. Service is friendly and the snack selection is decent.

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