Hoppiness Beer Bistrot

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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
Iznogud  (1028) Zagreb, Croatia | November 26, 2020
Visited in the early evening, not particularly busy. Modern interior, the place is divided in two rooms. 7 Italian micros on tap and one German beer. Four taps from Fiej brewery, I've never heard of. 35 bottles in a fridge, mostly Italian micros with exception of Straffe Hendrik and one Cascade bomber. Friendly service, we got some really interesting snacks. They serve some food as well, but haven't tried any. Liked the place and its worth checking out if you're nearby.

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