Kamigata Beer

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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 13/20
KyotoLefty  (1012) Kyoto, Japan | February 16, 2020
About a 10 minute walk west of Awaji station, past the shinkansen tracks, you find a former public bathhouse that is now a brewpub. opened in 2019. Take off your shoes to enter. There are some tables in one of the changing rooms, and you sit around them on the floor. You can also go into the empty bath and drink there. Very interesting environment, although with a bit more thought put into design elements it could be really awesome. Two beers were on tap, served in 180ml milk bottles for ¥500. About 4 more beers in bottles for ¥800. You can bring your own food. Beers were all decent enough but I would consider it a work in progress.

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