La 100 de Beri

Mayor: marius2007 (1) | Affiliated user(s) here bogdant | Taps: 9 | Bottles: 300
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 16/20
gunnar  (1099) Sandnes, Norway | December 20, 2019
Also centrally located in the old city, you are met by green wwalls as you enter from the main streey, could easy been in the UK somewhere, there ia also a seating area on the outside if you want to enjoy the sights, good beer selection inside, lots of locals to choose from and some classic EU stuff (Pannepot,Weihenstephaner, London Pride) (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne) ?
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 16/20
Bryne  (1457) Bryne, Norway | December 11, 2019
Worst thing first: damn speakers! What's wrong with the treble? Nuff said! Beer? Ohhh, that was far better! Many from Stone on tap and more than 50 Romanian bottles. Nice selection from Bereta, Capra Noastra, Oriel, Hophead, Hop Hooligans, Wicked Barrel and Perfektum. Walk past the bar and you will see the fridges and some more seating. I bought a few bottles for takeout. Friendly and helpful service. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 14/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 16/20
dantomlinson  (81) Blackburn, England | November 11, 2019
Good location in the Old Town of Bucharest. Loads of craft bottle beers from Romania and also other countries. A lot of high rated beers. Also available for takeout.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 13/20
dnelson  (83) , England | September 28, 2019
Classic pub-style craft bar in the Old Town with an extensive bottle menu. Tap selection not too exciting but possible to find some rare-ish bottles. Focus is on variety rather than quality in my opinion but the prices are fairly reasonable.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 5/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 4/10
  • OVERALL 16/20
mcberko  (2530) Vancouver, British Columbia | April 29, 2018| Updated May 1, 2018
Their draught selection is split between Zaganu and English beers, while their bottle selection is very impressive. Located on a quiet pedestrian street close to the shitty Beer O’Clock 2, this place is worth checking out. The bottles aren’t cheap, but if you’re looking for the best of Romanian craft, this is a top spot. Service is decent, but not terribly knowledgeable or friendly. Worth a stop - just be prepared to spend $.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 14/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
Arctium_lappa  (24) Bucuresti , Romania | February 17, 2018
I'd last been to The 100 Beers 3 years ago and not been hugely impressed. However, with the two Beer o'Clock bars in apparent decline, I decided to try again. I was pleasantly surprised. It is much more like a UK city pub than are the swanky newcomers further out of the centre (Mikkeller & the Romanian Craft Beer Bar in Calea Victoriei) and has a narrow front bar and a wider tile-walled back area. I was there in the early evening but it was already filling up and I could imagine service might get slow later if the solo waitress I dealt with didn't get any help. However, I had no complaints about speed or helpfulness at 1900. For the foreigner, the strength of La 100 de Beri is the range of 35+ beers from new Romanian brewers - not just Hop Hooligan, Perfektum, Zaganu and Three Happy Brewers but also Capra Noastra (Iasi), Amistad (Voluntari) and Cosmospolit (Cluj). The menu also has ca 70 German, 25-30 Belgian and maybe 15 UK in bottles as well as about 10 draught beers including, from the UK, Fuller's London Pride and Marston's Oyster Stout on hand pump. I can't vouch for the quality of all of these (!), but the beer list appeared to be a closer reflection of what was actually on offer than the equivalent at Beer o'Clock on Str. Gabroveni. The food menu was very limited - burgers and the like - but this is not a place to go specifically to eat, unless you feel peckish while sampling the beers. Earlier reviewers' comments about poor cleanliness seem to have been addressed and the toilets were pretty good. All in all, this would now be my bar of choice in the Old Town.
  • AMBIANCE 1/5
  • SERVICE 1/10
  • SELECTION 6/15
  • FOOD 1/10
  • VALUE 1/10
  • OVERALL 1/20
danghe01  (1) Bucharest, Romania | November 8, 2017
Am cateva localuri preferate in centrul vechi. Unul dintre ele este 100 de beri. Merg acolo de cativa ani de zile pentru diversitatea de beri oferite. In ultimele luni de zile, chiar ultimul an, a castigat in fata Beer O’Clock din cauza faptului ca se ofera si mancare in meniu. Lucruri simple dar relativ gustoase: burger, sandwiches, etc. La bere merge asa ceva, nu? In seara aceasta am patit ceva pentru prima data in viata mea. Beer O’Clock macar constientiezeaza faptul ca nu au oferta de mancare si te lasa sa comanzi ceva din jur, sa iti potolesti foamea inainte de bere. Am iesit cu 2 prieteni la 100 de Beri. Am ales special acest local pentru ca ofera si mancare. Nu mancasem nimic de la pranz si asteptam cu nerabdare sa infulec ceva ca sa pot sa beau cateva beri. Am ajuns la locul faptei si am vorbit cu un „ospatar”. Mi s-a spus ca in acea seara, colegul responsabil cu mancarea este plecat in „vacanta” si ca nu ofera mancare in seara respectiva. Aveam inca 2 prieteni pe drum. Am sunat pe unul din ei si i-am explicat situatia. L-am rugat sa ia niste gyros de la magazinul de langa, fiind obisnuit cu Beer O’Clock. In timp ce imi asteptam prietenii sa ajunga, am zis din politete sa il intreb/informez pe ospatar de situatie. Acesta mi-a spus asa cu jumatate de gura ca nu ar fi indicat sa venim cu ceva din afara localului. I-am spus ca mi se pare o situatie speciala din moment ce n-au fost in stare sa ofere ce au de obicei pe meniu ca oferta. Ospatarul a bolborosit ceva, dar nu a specificat ca e strict interzis acest aspect. Intre timp mi-a venit prietenul cu portia de gyros. Un alt ospatar a trecut pe langa masa, a vazut ca am muscat tactios din gyros, a dat ochii peste cap, a disparut pentru cateva secunde si s-a intors foarte arogant cu o nota de plata si cu un ton foarte agresiv. „Plateste te rog nota si paraseste localul in acest moment!” In viata mea nu am fost tratat cu atat dispret pentru un lucru atat de marunt. Din moment ce nu au fost efectiv in stare sa ofere nimic de mancare, tot ei au venit suparati sa spuna ca nu avem voie sa venim cu ceva de mancare din afara. Pe langa acest aspect, vorbit la „per tu”, ca si cum ne tragem de sireturi din copilarie. Imi cer scuze, dar nu mi se pare un comportament acceptabil din punctul meu de vedere. Nu sunteti in stare sa oferiti ce ati promis? Atunci purtati-va macar decent cu clientii. Sa nu mai spun ca celalalt coleg de la bar a fost mult mai permisiv/abiguu in ceea ce priveste aspectul de a veni cu mancare din afara in situatia penibila creata de lipsa unui coleg responsabil cu mancarea. Tonul folosit si tratamentul la care am fost supusi in seara aceasta, au fost de 2 bani. Nu am fost rau intentionat si cu toate acestea, habar nu aveti ce inseamna un client fidel. V-am adus in sub 2 ani de zile peste 40 de clienti. Desi erati unul din localurile preferate din centrul vechi din punctul meu de vedere, modul in care am fost tratat ma face sa nu mai calc pe la dumneavoastra pana cand nu primesc niste scuze oficiale din partea angajatului care s-a comportat cum s-a comportat cu mine si cu prietenii mei.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 13/15
  • FOOD 8/10
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 18/20
robert24  (5) Bucharest, Romania | March 2, 2017
If you look for something different, try this place! You will not find regular beers (like Heineken, Carlsberg, Tuborg, Stella Artois etc..), but you will find craft beers, Belgian, German, UK, Irish, American and many other beers you will not find anywhere in the city. So, if you love beer, you will love this place.
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 15/15
  • FOOD 10/10
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 20/20
core3  (16) , Romania | March 2, 2017
The best beer place in Bucharest. It’s the place we usually spend the most of our time. Great selection of German and Belgian, also Romanian crafts. Great location in the old city area. The food is very good and the burger is a must to try.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 5/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
miquelcrush  (280) Granollers, Spain | September 9, 2016

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