
Taps: 4 | Bottles: 6
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 2/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 10/20
Wirralbeerveg  (669) Port Sunlight, England | March 8, 2019
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 16/20
Tim Webb  (622) Cullompton, England | March 5, 2017
A great little bar, primarily a cocktail place but stocking up t a dozen well-chosen craft beers, on the short walk from the station to beer central (the Buxton Tap). Three stories to a maximum of 50 people - mezzanine, raised stage area and a cellar bar. Great atmosphere, all wood, dripped candles and bric à brac. Zero food. Dabbling with meads.

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