Pivovar Prokopák

Mayor: Marko (3) | Taps: 8 |
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 18/20
SaintMatty  (378) Uppsala, Sweden | November 13, 2021
A lovely brewpub in a pretty setting. Seems like you are further away from the city than you actually are such is the relative tranquility in the area. The pub is traditionally furnished yet modern and clean. The brewery is visible through a window in the brewpub. Great beers, really fresh and the staff seem friendly. The food was good and everything was good value. A top place.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
Camons  (1052) Hasselager, Denmark | February 23, 2020
35 minutes tram ride and about 10-15 minutes walk from our hotel in Zizkov to get here, easy downhill walk to get, quite uphill on the way back. Nice cozy restuarant with 5 beers on tap, 2 svetle, a Polotmavy and 2 ales. All good, the 2 svetle Lezaks really good. Nice english speaking service, menu only in Czech, but had just had breakfast so wearent having any anyway. Flight available with all beers. Prices somewhat high, 169kc for a flight and pint of the 12. well worth it though.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 15/20
Marko  (608) Prague, Czech Republic | February 9, 2020
How to get here: tram 4, 5, 12, 20 or bus 120, 130, 170 to Poliklinika Barrandov station. Two choices then, either a 15 minute walk down the Do Klukovic street up to... Klukovice - surprise surprise. Alternatively, try to sync your trip with the 230 bus at Poliklinika Barrandov, which will take you to Klukovice and save you the walk - though that's much more useful on the way back, to avoid a climb. Pivovar Prokopák, the newest brewpub in Prague (opened February 8th 2020.) is located in the hamlet of Klukovice in the old (1909) Hostinec U Kosu building, a minute's walk from the Prokopské a Dalejské údolí nature reserve, a popular destination for Prague weekenders, to escape into nature while still being in the town proper. The one, fairly, classically decorated big room wasn't enough for the hordes which came on opening day, but there was room on the patio and the weather wasn't bad, though there was some table sharing going on. The staff was overwhelmed (too few people handling the pipes, though the guy behind them did his best), but it should be fine normally and they were friendly and polite. Five beers on tap, the 10° in fantastic shape and form (30/43), and 12° pale and dark (both 35/49) not far behind. The 12° ale (49/0.4l) was quite sessionable and the IPA 14° (53/0.4l) borderline "Czech-style" but not bad. Beers are available to go in 0.75l bottles too - unsure of the prices. Food looked fine enough and the prices okay, but haven't partaken this time. We'll see how it develops - it's 40 minutes walk from my place (and the same by public transport, funnily enough), so I'll likely revisit it here and there. If it keeps the beer quality on this level, it will be a success.

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