State Liquor Store #27 - Moab

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  • AMBIANCE 1/5
  • SERVICE 1/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 9/10
  • OVERALL 16/20
Iphonephan  (557) JACKSON HOLE, Wyoming | April 13, 2018
Base on my visit in April 2018, this place deserves a bit higher rating. Maybe the store has increased its beers selection over the past couple years. It is now pretty good - similar to other Utah state stores. Lots of Utah brews, with even 12 oz cans available as singles. The bad news is they are all sitting on unrefridgerated shelves and the turnover is pretty slow. The hazy IPAs I purchashed there were all 3+ months old based on the bottling dates on the bottles and cans.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 6/10
  • SELECTION 6/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 10/20
BeerandBlues2  (1183) Woodland Park, Colorado | June 10, 2017
Well, being a state run liquor store it certainly has that hospital clean type feel to it. The beer section is back and to the right when you enter. There are mostly Utah beers but also a few random selections from the region. I found about a dozen new (to me) beers at decent prices.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 5/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
Barrelbelly  (16) , Belgium | September 28, 2013
Small store. Not so wide selection, mainly Utah beers. Very helpfull staff. I.was happy to find any liquor store around this area at all.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 2/10
  • SELECTION 6/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 5/10
  • OVERALL 8/20
Bart  (108) Brussels, Belgium | September 26, 2010
Rather small store with a very limited selection. Some import (chimay) and some local products. Nothing special, but at least something in the state of Utah.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 5/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 6/20
caesar  (411) Bunnik, Netherlands | October 21, 2008
Slept in a motel across the store, so had to drop in. Nothing special over here, otherwise i would have bought something.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 5/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 9/20
douglas88  (376) Portland , Oregon | August 5, 2008
One of the smaller State Stores, don’t expect much. Some Chimay, Orval, and Rochefort perhaps. Uinta Barley Wine. Located right off the main drag in Moab. Because they only carry beers over 4%, very few Utah beers are available.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 5/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 8/20
Aubrey  (74) Bellingham, Washington | May 18, 2005
Less than a block off of Main St., downtown Moab. Parking in front. Friendly staff. The place is a little cramped and you gotta be careful not to trip over beer/wine/etc. The small beer area is just to the right as you walk in. While the selection wasn’t that great, it was better than I expected. State Liquor stores can sell beer over 3.2%, but no one else can. To see some of the beers available, go here (not all stores carry everything on these lists, though):

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