The Tap House West End

Taps: 100 |
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 6/10
  • SELECTION 13/15
  • FOOD 6/10
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
Drake  (1114) Appleton, Wisconsin | August 7, 2020
A hundred taps directly across the street from my hotel? Mmkay. Large place, fairly corporate feeling, but nice. Large patio looked nice. I sat at the bar inside and was bombarded by various flying insects from the aforementioned patio. I'm exagerrating a bit... wasn't too bad. 100 taps and I didn't spot any macros amongst them. Quality stuff, and some less common local stuff (got 3 new Toppling Goliath ticks). I'm on a tight budget this trip, but easily could have done 3-4 more 4 beer flights (at $14 each). Lots of locals including some breweries I have not heard of. Asian chicken salad was tasty, also at $14. Near LTS Brewing andf a couple other breweries. Overall nice stop, and worth going out of your way.

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