Treefolk’s Public House

Mayor: Mortlach (3) |
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  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 12/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 17/20
Iznogud  (1028) Zagreb, Croatia | December 2, 2020
Located just across the Birrifugio this place somehow went under the radar so I wasn't even sure if it was opened. Large classic pub with wood, stone, leather and carpets. Has bit of upscale feel to it and still feels very cozy. You can tell money was spent on the interior and in my opinion it was spent well. Large bar with 13 casks and 9 taps in the back. Almost all of the beers are from UK, couple of Italian brews as well. Couple of ciders on handpull including Oliver's. Haven't seen any fridges. Seems to have extensive selection of whiskies. Kind and professional service. A place I could spend my evening at. With some more Italian brews and a good bottle list this could be one of the top places in Rome.

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