U Seburgiho

Mayor: Cybuch (1) | Taps: 12 |
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 7/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 10/20
Cybuch  (94) Muszyna, Poland | October 26, 2021
Restaurant with about 10 taps, mostly focusing on foreign classics like Paulaner, but some Slovak and Czech craft. Quality is poor unfortunately. Not worth it.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 9/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
ElDesmadre  (419) Jaworze, Poland | December 9, 2019
Medium sized bar with a patio on the main street in the old town of Kosice. Very nice service. A dozen taps or so, with the main focus being on Fuller's. They also serve their "own" brand Seburgi, which is being brewed at Kaltenecker in Slovakia. I guess the imported beers are at the moment the safe option. Very nice place to relax on the patio with a view of the beautiful old town.

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