Inexperienced Big Beers

The following are the not necessarily new beers, but new to us in that they have fewer than 10 ratings and were among the 1000 most recently added in this over 7.5% abv class. Some are seasonals that come and go quickly. All are 7.5% abv or bigger. Regular members and visitors will receive a list of 25 beers,  P  RateBeer Premium members will receive a list of 50 beers.

  Beer Style Avg Ratings
1Great Notion End of All Things 
Great Notion Brewing 
Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry3.67   4
2Great Notion Cocoanaut 
Great Notion Brewing 
Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry3.55   4
3Other Half / J. Wakefield / Moksa / Bottle Logic / Horus Pastrinauts - Four Roses Barrel Aged 
Other Half Brewing 
Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry3.55   4
4Other Half Over One Trillion Served 
Other Half Brewing 
Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry3.53   4
5Wrężel Big Game #Three 
Browar Wrężel 
Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry3.53   9
6Spey Valley SVB Super Nova 
Spey Valley Brewery 
Stout - Imperial3.51   5
7Thornbridge Yule (9%) 2021- 
Thornbridge Brewery 
Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy3.46   6
8Panimo Hiisi Ikiiurso Bourbon Barrel Aged (2021) 
Panimo Hiisi 
Stout - Imperial3.44   4
9Holy Mountain Midnight Still - Smoked 
Holy Mountain Brewing Company 
Stout - Imperial3.4   4
10Minister Are You Freaking Nuts?  
Browar Minister 
Stout - Flavored / Pastry3.36   4
11Rorschach Malevolent Benevolence - Bourbon Barrel-Aged (2020) 
Rorschach Brewing Co. 
Stout - Imperial3.34   4
12Wiper and True Hard Shake 03 2021 Imperial Milk Stout BA 
Wiper and True 
Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry3.27   4
13Fur Mjød 
Fur Bryghus 
Mead - Braggot / Hopped3.12   4
14Wrężel Big Game #Four 
Browar Wrężel 
Mead - Braggot / Hopped3.02   6
15Nøddebjergbryg Nr. 31 Sommer Hyld’est 
Flavored - Other2.64   4

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