Brewed by Baird Brewing Co.
Style: Saison / Farmhouse / Grisette
Numazu, Japan
Serve in Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 96   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.34/5   SEASONAL: Spring   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
Saison means "season" and this family of beers is thought to have originated in Wallonia in southern Belgium. Saisons were brewed in the winter at farmhouse breweries for the summer consumption by thirsty farmhands. While there is no exact flavor profile or processing technique that define Saison stylistically, common traits exist (e.g. relatively pale in color, moderate in alcohol, refreshing in a dry or sour type of way, etc.). Often spices and ingredients uncommon to beer but otherwise readily available on the farm are incorporated. Saisons are thus typically Belgian in their funkiness and individuality. Saison Sayuri is like its namesake -- a fascinating admixture of down-to-earth simplicity and understated complexity. Brewed entirely with pale base malts and Japanese candy sugar (except for a hint of roasted barely for color contribution), Saison Sayuri is relatively light in body and sprite in flavor. The nose is an immensely complex amalgam of aromas -- bubble gum-like phenolics from the Belgian yeast, floral and fruity notes from dry hopping, and a subtle hint of citrus and spice from the addition of Japanese daidai peels (daidai is a very sour type of Japanese orange). A splash of sour daidai juice also was added to the wort which manifests itself in a stealthily citric-sour finish.

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BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - JUL 24, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 24, 2019 On tap pours out hazy golden copper color topped with a white head. Nose is belg malts some spice and a little citrus. Taste is more of the nice sweet malts citrus floral and spice. Enjoyable

jmgreenuk (16022) - Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA - MAY 17, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 17, 2019 330ml bottle in Kyoto. Poured a slightly hazy golden colour with a bubbly round white head. The aroma is malt, big grainy, yeasty, citrus fruit. The flavour is moderate yeasty bitter, with a malt, yeasty, fruity citrus, hop bitter palate.

chinchill (6213) - South Carolina, USA - JUN 5, 2018
On tap at the brewery's Takadanobaba taproom. Clear amber body with a white head that had excellent retention. Moderately strong and rather exotic aroma with tropical fruit notes dominant. Flavor: It has both bready and fruity notes but the fruit notes are dominant. Moderately bitter. Moderately strong for style. Near medium body with medium-light carbonation.

Stew41 (2523) - Melbourne, AUSTRALIA - APR 16, 2018
Fresh, clean and middle weight. Lacks some obvious primary flavour but probably correct from the classic style. Pedestrian a little?

Heidbummer (1935) - SCOTLAND - MAR 26, 2018
Keg, Harajuku. Hazy lemon and gold, thin head. Big grassy aroma with some juice. Description is bone dry and that's right. Bright, fresh, refreshing, herbal and dry. Really good.

suurjuust (4492) - ESTONIA - JAN 19, 2018
Tap. Slightly hazy golden beer, small white head. Nose is spicy, some herbal tones, malt, and something I swear is taking a stab at tartness, but the stab is pretty weak. Flavor is citric, spicy, malt, herbs, green pepper. Hops and spicy notes in the finish. Saison-ish, not exactly a saison, but not completely off the mark. Fairly drinkable.

Rask0lnikov (2713) - Tallinn, ESTONIA - JAN 19, 2018
On tap at Pudel bar. Pours golden yellow colour with quite high white head. Slightly spicy, malty, slightly caramelly, grainy, even bit sour aroma. Grainy, bit malty, slightly caramelly, bit sour taste. Grassy, bitter finish. Grainy, very slightly sour aftertaste. Maltiness is dominating. Palate reiminds a lager. It is not a saison in a classical sense, but it is not bad as well.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - DEC 31, 2017
Poured at Shelton Festival, hazy orange with medium white head. The aroma is strong yeast, earth, spices. Medium body, yeast, lemon zest, light dry finish, good.

phfyysik (2503) - Tartu, ESTONIA - DEC 18, 2017
Pours hazy yellow with very light white head. Aroma is bitter, hops, lime, floral, some birch, lemon peel, acid, wooden notes, herbs. Taste is floral, bitter, watery, some flour, yeast, citric acid, some lemon, grass, some birch and wooden notes. A bit watery but otherwise good beer!

visionthing (7277) - Tallinn, ESTONIA - NOV 12, 2017
33cl bottle from Rimi, Tallinn. Pours hazy deep golden to amber with a somewhat modest head. Fruity and fairly yeasty aroma with spicy notes, malt and hints of wheat and banana. Medium sweet with nice acidic notes and medium to low flavour intensity. Enjoyable.

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