Bayview Thriftway

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  • AMBIANCE 1/5
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  • OVERALL 1/20
Zues5000000  (1) Canon City, Colorado | December 7, 2013
I was homeless in Olympia Washington during the month of April 2013 I had discovered an abandoned shopping cart near a dumpster outside that was full of garbage. I emptied the garbage out and used the cart to push my things around in for a few days. The cart had no name or logo, so I thought it was just one of the several several, carts I have seen just sitting around during my past two years of homelessness. Apparently the cart belonged to a Bayview Thriftway in Olympia Washington, and they had me arrested for theft. I had to plead guilty to "possession of stolen property" I spent twenty six days in jail I Olympia and chehalis Washington from April 14, 2013 through may 10, 2013 and I now have a misdemeanor on my record and had to pay $283.00 in fines The employees of Bayview Thriftway, I loathe, and I loathe their company. If I had $400,000,000.00 USD I would pay every soul in the city of Olympia Washington $100.00 USD to not shop at Bayview Thriftway for two weeks time. That would be approximately $67,200,000.00 I would spend.

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