Piccolo Birrificio Brioschi

Affiliated user(s) here Afterfunk | Taps: 5 |
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD 8/10
  • VALUE 9/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
BierDudeOtto  (160) , England | February 15, 2021
A nice "rock'n'roll" micro brewery where you have a chance to sit under Pearl Jam articles and concert memorabilia, and listen to great rock anthems. A very cool pub, it looks like an old style bar. Lots of music and movie posters, photos etc adorn the walls and ceilings. The menu is quite various and you can choose between many different dishes and many non-commercial beers including their own 6 beers on tap. The food is good and well cooked, while prices are good in relation to the quantity and to the quality of the dishes served.
  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 15/15
  • FOOD 10/10
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 20/20
Afterfunk  (1) , Italy | December 2, 2013

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