Huntley Taverne

3 Morris Ave
Summit, New Jersey United States 07901
restaurant  3 reviews
Mon-Thu 11:30 AM-10:00 PM, Fri-Sat 11:30 AM-11:00 PM, Sun 12:00-9:00 PM

Mayor: dannysupple (1) | Taps: 4 | Bottles: 0
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD 8/10
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
PRBeer  (812) Parsippany, New Jersey | May 25, 2016
One of the better Harvest Group offerings. This is one of the best looking locations (along with Tabor Road Tavern and 3 West). The food at all their locations is always very good to occasionally great. The beer offerings are usually not noteworthy in spite of having a craft brewery in their family of restaurants (Trap Rock Inn). They typically offer only the most generic of the Trap Rock offerings as well as a couple of better regional choices. I usually have a beer before arriving and then drink wine with the excellent food. Note that Harvest group also owns the 3 great high-end Roots Steakhouses, as well as 2 Urban Table venues. Great building and often a nice older bar scene.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 7/15
  • FOOD 9/10
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 12/20
ben4321  (593) Metuchen, New Jersey | September 21, 2015
Difficult to rate because it’s a very nice restaurant but not a beer place. Same owner as Trap Rock, so they had a couple of their beers on. Looks very similar as well (and the menu is similar too). One of the better restaurants I have been to in the area. Not much of a beer destination at all. They had a handful of local beers as well as a few other craft offerings. You can find a solid beer here, but I wouldn’t go here for beer, nor does it really necessitate existing in this database.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 3/15
  • FOOD 6/10
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
Tonkun  (95) New Jersey | February 8, 2014
Bar restaurant. Good wine list but beer is minimal. Food is good but not great. Service can be spotty

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