Four Sons Brewing

18421 Gothard St, Unit 100
Huntington Beach, California United States 92648
brewery (Four Sons)  5 reviews
Mon 4:00-9:00 PM, Tue Closed, Wed-Thu 4:00-9:00 PM, Fri-Sat 12:00-10:00 PM, Sun 12:00-8:00 PM

Affiliated user(s) here foursons | Taps: 8 | Bottles: 0
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
raidrfan979  (165) carpinteria, California | October 10, 2017
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 16/20
Wittales  (92) Las Vegas, Nevada | April 16, 2017
Easy find from the road, although it was industrial park. Food truck and cornhole in the back. Saturday afternoon crowd was busy. They have opened a tour of the bigger production brewery in the corner. 8$ flight of four with all of them respectable, except the DIPA newly released, cheese nose. Great little young brewery doing canning and merchs for sale on site. Give these guys alook, doing well.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
Foxbush  (184) Richmond, Virginia | March 14, 2015
This brewery was visited on 3/6 on a business trip to Huntington Beach. There were 20-25 people in the tasting room when we arrived. A steady traffic of growlers came to the bar. There were tables and stools for the patrons. The brewing equipment was in the same room. Four Sons is easy to find in an industrial park with parking but no food. The bartender offered pretzels and no sodas. Offering sodas to non-beer drinking guests is a must.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 7/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
brokensail  (1539) Bay Area, California | September 29, 2014
Stopped in on my way home from work. Pretty nicely done tasting room. Almost makes you forget that you’re in a business park. They have a lot of space here for you to hang out, plenty of tables, decent seating at the bar. Definitely looks like some money went into this place.

They had seven different taps going when I stopped in (one beer was out). A flight of four is $7, so a slight discount on the normal $2/taster. A little more than I’d like to pay but whatever...I think I’ve lost the sub-$2 taster battle at this point. Complimentary pretzels at least. Woohoo.

A couple of the beers I liked such as their single hop pale ale and the hefeweizen. The other beers were hit or miss. Sadly, this is a huge win when it comes to the newly opened breweries these days.

I might stop in from time to time since it’s not horribly out of my way (particularly if my soccer team can get their shit together and start playing in the league that’s right down the street again).
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
t0rin0  (1529) Do Not Resuscitate, California | September 23, 2014
Visited September 18, 2014.

Brand new brewery. During my visit the server mentioned that they had been open for about 10 days at that point. They only had 5 beers on but there was a sixth that was coming soon. Not sure how many they plan on having on tap once they get going here but what they’ve made so far is alright. While none were amazing none were bad, except maybe chocolate coffee stout. Brewers: please stop calling things chocolate if the only thing "chocolate" about it is the fact that it has chocolate malt in it. It’s ashy and burnt tasting. Anyway, the beer names were kind of cutesy (for better or for worse). Nightmare on Gothard St, Going "Coco" Nuts, Not So Dumb (blonde ale), Vier Sohne (Four Sons in German), etc.

I do appreciate their buying some proper equipment and not resorting to fermenting in garbage cans, I mean plastic fermenters in a refrigerator. Seriously, take some pride in your work. Speaking of pride, check out the corn hole set outside, lol. It’s actually not bad and I like the fact that they have it there, but I got a kick out of the quality jigsaw work on the cutting of the holes.

Prices are maybe a little high. $2 per taster and $5 or $6 for a full glass. Not entirely sure how big the full glasses are though since I didn’t order one and the stout and DIPA both say (13oz) next to them. Since a "pint" (crappy shaker glass) is really more like 12-13oz with head on it I’m thinking that these strong beers are really just an 8oz snifter. $14ish for a growler fill isn’t horrible compared to a lot of places these days. At least these guys understand that there needs to be an incentive to take the beer home where you have to pour it yourself, clean up after yourself, and don’t get to watch TV for free.

Service was friendly and this is in a nice area. It’s also near several other breweries (like everything these days) so I might stop back in.

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