Andolini’s Pizzeria - Tulsa

1552 E 15th St
Tulsa, Oklahoma United States 74120
restaurant  1 review
Sun-Thu 11:00 AM-9:00 PM, Fri-Sat 11:00 AM-Late

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Taps: 25 | Bottles: 40
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 10/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
jackl  (740) Minneapolis, Minnesota | July 13, 2014
OK, so this place was pretty amusing. I was sitting at the bar for a while and eventually noticed a painting on the wall to my left. It was an unremarkable faux-Napoleonic period piece of a guy and a horse. I returned to my beer and playing on my phone but kept being drawn back to the painting. Why was it so recognizable? I finally realized that it was a knock-off of the same damn painting of Tony and Pie-O-My from The Sopranos that Paulie Walnuts has retouched and put on his mantle! I found it really amusing that such a random piece of pop culture was at a restaurant in Tulsa. I mentioned it to the barman and he explained that the owner’s a massive fan of the show, to the extent that the version of ’Don’t Stop Believing’ on their playlist stops at the same point as it does in the finale of The Sopranos. Awesome. RIP Pie-O-My, and fuck Ralph Ciffareto.

Anyway, as for the nitty gritty: visited here on the recommendation of the guys at Marshall. Small, narrow restaurant with a prominent L-bar. The atmosphere was pretty friendly, filled with families during Saturday lunchtime. There was a pretty solid tap selection featuring 25 beers including plenty of locals. I had a COOP F5 IPA and found it really enjoyable. I didn’t eat, but the pizza looked legitimately awesome. I’d certainly consider eating here if I’m ever in the area again. The service was fine. Prices were a bit steep for pours and flights.

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