Frenchtown Brewing Company

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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 15/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 10/10
  • OVERALL 20/20
FrothyMaster51  (1) , | October 27, 2020
Frenchtown Brewery makes the best beer in the Northern Caribbean. Their only competition, West Indies Beer Company, which is also outstanding, is 600 miles away in Grenada. Brewer Kevin Brown, and his wife Terri, offer a special kind of hospitality that is both warm and welcoming. They love to talk beer, island life, beaches, . . . anything! Meanwhile, their Hop Alley - the flagship brew - is an amazing IPA. Mild attack, nice flavorful but not too complex middle, and a dry finish that's makes you want another sip. Their 86 And Sunny is slightly lighter, making it a great choice after a hot day in the tropics. Kevin's saison is the best I've had outside of Belgium. Their fourth tap alternates between a Brown, a Cream Ale, and whatever got experimented with last. A while back it was a blackberry saison that was to die for. If you're a beer person and you're in St. Thomas, this place is a must. The "Ambiance" rating below is little low because the best action takes place right in the brewery. A little commercial, a little too warm, but you're standing next to the equipment that makes the beer you're drinking. How can you beat that? Food is not served, which unfortunately knocks their score down.

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