
Mayor: Marko (2) |
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 14/20
djoeye  (658) Tromsø, Norway | November 8, 2021
Craft beers from small breweries dominate the menu here. Rusty walls, vintage wooden tables, cafeish fly market style. I think most ratebeerians will find a new beer here.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 15/20
Marko  (608) Prague, Czech Republic | August 13, 2021
Aah, so Myslíš? has been one of the talks of the Prague craft beer scene recently. From what I know, they opened really quickly before the lockdown shut them down, opened briefly in December, in time to host a Dark Times/Caligula event, then closed again till recently, when it got some Zichovec specials etc. So, obviously a place that's interested in specialty beer. Easily reachable from Národní Trída metro/tram (even Mustek), close to U Medvídku and U Dvou Kocek. The location appears to have been in the last 12 years a slot machine place, a wine bar, a coffee bar and now it's a beer/food place. One may easily call it a hipster place, and I think it's safe to say one wouldn't be wrong. Interior mostly out of repurposed old furniture, one large table in the center, meant for being shared by different people I guess, and several nooks and crannies, huge glass windows to the outside. I think they do vegan and/or vegetarian food too, haven't tried this time. Good music from what I remember. Several taps, Zichovec with a couple of standards this time (Sour, Goose Ale), I think some Sibeeria, maybe 0105, something else I'd had and Obora 8. They tend to get the cream of the crop mostly beer-wise, which is great for the location. Quite good prices for the location too. All in all, I'll probably elaborate on further visits and see if they have a bottle list, but it's definitely a worthy addition to the town center.

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